Jan H. van Schuppen's TUDelft home page
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Jan H. van Schuppen (TUD and VSCR).
Dorothee Engering is my secretary
at the Mathematics Department of the TU Delft.
Mail address TUD:
P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, Netherlands (TUDelft address)
Visit address:
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6, 2628 XE Delft, Building 28, Room 2.E300.
Mail address private:
Gouden Leeuw 143, 1103 KB Amsterdam, Netherlands (private address)
Phone +31 15 278 3851 (TUD Office)
Phone +31 15 278 3883 (TUD Secretary Dorothee Engering)
Phone +31 20 695 0177 (home)
Email Email J DOT H DOT vanSchuppen AT tudelft DOT nl (TUD)
Email vanschuppenjanh AT freedom DOT nl (home)
Email D.W.M.Engering AT tudelft DOT nl
Website diamhomes.ewi.tudelft.nl/~jhvanschuppen (this page)
Orcid 0000-0001-7150-7915
The orcid identity number classifies a researcher uniquely
so as to avoid misunderstanding about authorship.
orcid webpage.
Control of stochastic systems.
Control of sensor networks.
Sufficient conditions for existence of analytic optimal control laws.
Control of power systems.
Transmission nets.
Control of power flows.
Stability of stochastic power systems.
Control of communication systems.
Gray-Wyner network. Wyner's common information.
The Gaussian communication channel, capacity and coding.
Rational systems -- System theory, observers, control, and system identification.
System identification of polynomial and of rational systems.
Multilevel control, decentralized/distributed control, and
control of networked control systems.
Coordination control. Communication between controllers.
Controllability of multilevel systems.
Control of discrete-event systems.
Multilevel and decentralized/distributed control of discrete-event systems.
Control for coordination of distributed systems.
Financially supported by the European Commission through
the program EU.ICT 223844.
(Life time of the project is 1 May 2008 - 1 September 2011).
Charalambos D. Charalambous and Chris Hadjicostis
(University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus).
Rene Boel (University of Gent, Gent, Belgium).
Jan Komenda (Brno, Czech Republic).
Jana Nemcova (Prague, Czech Republic).
Mihaly Petreczky (Lille, France).
European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI).
See the web pages
Book Control of discrete-time stochastic systems
Publications of JHvS.
Publications of co-workers.
WCI matlabfiles20210915.zip
Control of discrete-time stochastic systems.
Spring 2025.
Lecturer: Jan H. van Schuppen.
The Department of Mathematics
of Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Control and system theory of rational systems
motivated by the life sciences,
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University of Brno,
Brno, Czech Republic,
September - November 2018.
Professor Emeritus at Department of Mathematics,
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.
Director and researcher at the company
Van Schuppen Control Research in Amsterdam.
Past editorial functions
Past coordination functions
Coordinator of
European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI).
Last update 26 November 2024.
This page is maintained by Jan H. van Schuppen.