@Article{Ngu25RV, Author = {B. Nguyen and J. Romate and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modeling an Electrolyzer in a Graph-Based Framework }, Journal = {Energies}, Volume = 18, Year = 2025, Pages = {729} } @Article{Kum25VM, Author = {S.V. Kumar and C. Vuik and M. M\"oller}, Title = {Resampling Point Clouds Using Series of Local Triangulations }, Journal = { Journal of Imaging}, Volume = 11, Year = 2025, Pages = {49} } @Article{Che25DV, Author = {J. Chen and V.N.S.R. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = {Matrix-Free Parallel Scalable Multilevel Deflation Preconditioning for Heterogeneous Time-Harmonic Wave Problems }, Journal = {Journal of Scientific Computating}, Volume = 102, Year = 2025, Pages = {47} } @Article{Has24V, Author = {L. Hashemi and C. Vuik}, Title = {Critical assessment of the validity of quasi-static pore network modeling in the application of underground hydrogen storage }, Journal = {Advances in Water Resources}, Volume = 193, Year = 2024, Pages = {104812} } @Article{Lie24, Author = {A. van Lieshout Titan and F. Klaassen and D.M. Pelissari and J.N. de Barros Silva and K. Alves and L. Costa Alves and M. Sanchez and P. Bartholomay and F.D.C. Johansen and J. Croda and J.R. Andrews and M.C. Castro and T. Cohen and C. Vuik and N.A. Menzies}, Title = { Cost-effectiveness and health impact of screening and treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among formerly incarcerated individuals in Brazil: a Markov modelling study}, Journal = {The Lancet Global Health}, Volume = 12, Year = 2024, Pages = {e1446-e1455} } @Article{Che24bDV, Author = {J. Chen and V.N.S.R. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Matrix-free parallel two-level deflation preconditioner for two-dimensional heterogeneous {H}elmholtz problems }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 514, Year = 2024, Pages = {113264} } @Article{Eba24SV, Author = {G. Ebadi and S. Seifollahzadeh and C. Vuik}, Title = { New iterative methods for solving generalized absolute value equations}, Journal = {Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 43, Year = 2024, Pages = {article number 313} } @Article{Wan23ZVH, Author = {Y. Wang and Z. Zhang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi}, Title = { Simulation of CO2 Storage Using a Parameterization Method for Essential Trapping Physics: FluidFlower Benchmark Study}, Journal = {Transport in Porous Media}, Volume = 151, Year = 2024, Pages = {1053-1070} } @Article{Che24V, Author = {K. Chen and C. Vuik }, Title = { Non-stationary {A}nderson acceleration with optimized damping}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 451, Year = 2024, Pages = { 116077} } @Inproceedings{Che24aDV, Author = {J. Chen and V.N.S.R. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = {Matrix-Free Parallel Preconditioned Iterative Solvers for the {2D H}elmholtz Equation Discretized with Finite Differences}, Booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering}, Editor = {M. van Beurden and N.V. Budko and G. Ciuprina and W. Schilders and H. Bansal and R. Barbulescu}, Note = {Mathematics in Industry 43}, Pages = {61--68}, Publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2024} @Article{Che24DV , Author = {J. Chen and V.N.S.R. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = {A matrix-free parallel solution method for the three-dimensional heterogeneous {H}elmholtz equation }, Journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis}, Volume = 59, Year = 2024, Pages = {270--294} } @Article{Ye23CMV, Author = {J. Ye and K. Chen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik }, Title = { On an improved PDE-based elliptic parameterization method for isogeometric analysis using preconditioned {A}nderson acceleration}, Journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design}, Volume = 102, Year = 2023, Pages = {102191} } @Article{Che23V, Author = {K. Chen and C. Vuik }, Title = { Asymptotic convergence analysis and influence of initial guesses on composite {A}nderson acceleration}, Journal = {Advances in Computational Mathematics}, Volume = 94, Year = 2023, Pages = {article number 94} } @Article{Kum23VM, Author = {S.V. Kumar and C. Vuik and M. M\"oller}, Title = { Towards a High Quality Shrink Wrap Mesh Generation Algorithm Using Mathematical Morphology}, Journal = {Computer-Aided Design}, Volume = 164, Year = 2023, Pages = {103608 } } @Inproceedings{Boo23DJDV, Author = {N. Bootland and V. Dwarka and P. Jolivet and V. Dolean and C. Vuik}, Title = {Inexact Subdomain Solves Using Deflated {GMRES} for {H}elmholtz Problems}, Booktitle = { Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI}, Editor = { S.C. Brenner and E. Chung and A. Klawonn and F. Kwok and J. Xu and J. Zou }, Note = { Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering book series (LNCSE, volume 145)}, Pages = {127--135}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2023} @Article{Kem23HV, Author = {M. Kemna and A. Heinlein and C. Vuik}, Title = { Reduced order fluid modeling with generative adversarial networks}, Journal = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics }, Volume = 23, Year = 2023, Pages = {e202200241}, Note = {Special Issue: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)}} } @Article{Vak23EV, Author = {S. Vakili and G. Ebadi and C. Vuik}, Title = { A parameterized extended shift-splitting preconditioner for nonsymmetric saddle point problems }, Journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications }, Volume = 30, Year = 2023, Pages = { e2478 } } @Article{Wan23CZZV, Author = {L. Wang and W. Chen and Y. Zhang and X. Zhang and C. Vuik}, Title = { Investigating Effects of Heterogeneity and Fracture Distribution on Two-Phase Flow in Fractured Reservoir with adaptive time strategy }, Journal = {Transport in Porous Media}, Volume = 149, Year = 2023, Pages = {175-203} } @Article{Buw23GKV, Author = {F.J.L. Buwalda and E. de Goede and M. Knepfl\'e and C. Vuik}, Title = { Comparison of an Explicit and Implicit Time Integration Method on GPUs for Shallow Water Flows on Structured Grids}, Journal = {Water}, Volume = 15, Year = 2023, Pages = {1165} } @Article{Van23NV, Author = {J. Vandenplas and B-V. Nguyen and C. Vuik}, Title = { Deflation techniques applied on mixed model equations}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 426, Year = 2023, Pages = {115095} } @Inproceedings{Zha23WVH, Author = {Z. Zhang and Y. Wang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi}, Title = { An Efficient Simulation Approach for Long-term Assessment of {CO$_2$} Storage in Complex Geological Formations}, Booktitle = {Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition 2023, RCSC 2023}, Editor = { }, Note = {}, Pages = {1--18}, Publisher = {Society of Petroleum Engineers }, Address = {Richardson, Texas, USA}, Year = 2023 } @book{Vui23VGV, Author = {C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and M.B. van Gijzen and M.J. Vuik}, Title = {Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations}, Publisher = {TU Delft Open}, Year = 2023, Series = {}, Address = {Delft}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Article{Wan22WVH, Author = {L. Wang and Y. Wang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi}, Title = { Accurate modeling and simulation of seepage in 3{D} heterogeneous fractured porous media with complex structures}, Journal = {Computers and Geotechnics}, Volume = 150, Year = 2022, Pages = {104923} } @Inproceedings{Tie22bMV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {Multigrid Reduced in Time for Isogeometric Analysis}, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the YIC 2021 - VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference }, Editor = {YIC2021 Scientific Committee}, Note = { }, Pages = {47--56}, Publisher = {Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia}, Address = {Valencia}, Year = 2022} @Article{Che22V, Author = {K. Chen and C. Vuik }, Title = { Composite {A}nderson acceleration method with two window sizes and optimized damping}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering }, Volume = 123, Year = 2022, Pages = {5964--5985} } @Inproceedings{Tie22aMV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Block ILUT Smoother for Multipatch Geometries in Isogeometric Analysis}, Booktitle = { Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis }, Editor = {Carla Manni and Hendrik Speleers}, Note = { Springer INdAM Series (SINDAMS, volume 49)}, Pages = {259--278}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2022} @Article{Dwa22V, Author = {V. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = { Scalable multi-level deflation preconditioning for highly indefinite time-harmonic waves}, Journal = Journal of Computational Physics{}, Volume = 469, Year = 2022, Pages = {111327} } @Inproceedings{Koo22V, Author = {M.E. Kootte and C. Vuik}, Title = {The Influence of the Increasing Penetration of Photovoltaic Generation on Integrated Transmission-Distribution Power Systems}, Booktitle = {Control of Smart Buildings: An Integration to Grid and Local Energy Communities}, Editor = {A. Tomar and P.H. Nguyen and S. Mishra}, Note = {}, Pages = {15--35}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Singapore}, Year = 2022} @Inproceedings{Kum22VM, Author = {S.V. Kumar and C. Vuik and M. M\"oller}, Title = {Shrink Wrap Mesh Generation Using Morphological Operators with Selected Applications}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable (IMR), Virtual Conference, Feb 22-25, 2022 }, Editor = {David Moxey}, Note = {}, Pages = {20}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Address = {Philadelphia}, Year = } @Article{Nak21LVT, Author = {P. Nakate and D. Lahaye and C. Vuik and M. Talice}, Title = {Analysis of the Aerodynamics in the Heating Section of an Anode Baking Furnace Using Non-Linear Finite Element Simulations }, Journal = {Fluids}, Volume = 6, Year = 2021, Pages = {46} } @Article{Ver22BV, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and D.R. den Bakker and C. Vuik }, Title = { On the fundamental solutions-based inversion of {L}aplace matrices }, Journal = {Results in Applied Mathematics }, Volume = 15, Year = 2022, Pages = {100288} } @Article{Tie22MV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Combining p-multigrid and Multigrid Reduction in Time methods to obtain a scalable solver for Isogeometric Analysis }, Journal = {SN Applied Sciences}, Volume = 4, Year = 2022, Pages = {163} } @Inproceedings{SWI22, Author = {T. Danczul and W. Hetebrij and F. Khalighi and L. Kogler and D. Lahaye and E. Luckins and W. Munters and M. Neunteufel and G. Pammer and C. Vuik and O. Whitehead and Y. Zhou}, Title = {Modeling airflow-driven water droplet removal from a flat surface}, Booktitle = {Scientific Proceedings, Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2020 }, Editor = {B. van den Broek}, Note = {}, Pages = {177--214}, Publisher = {Fontys}, Address = {Tilburg}, Year = 2022} @Article{Wan22GTCV, Author = {L. Wang and F. Golfier and A-J. Tinet and W. Chen and C. Vuik}, Title = { An efficient adaptive implicit scheme with equivalent continuum approach for two-phase flow in fractured vuggy porous media}, Journal = {Advances in Water Resources}, Volume = 163, Year = 2022, Pages = {104186} } @Article{Wan22bVH, Author = {L. Wang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { A stabilized mixed-FE scheme for frictional contact and shear failure analyses in deformable fractured media}, Journal = {Engineering Fracture Mechanics }, Volume = 267, Year = 2022, Pages = {108427} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Ser19VWP, author={B. Sereeter and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen and P. Palensky}, booktitle={2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)}, title={Optimal power flow formulations and their impacts on the performance of solution methods}, year={2019}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-5}, doi={10.1109/PESGM40551.2019.8973585}} @Article{Wan22CV, Author = {L. Wang and W. Chen and C. Vuik}, Title = { Hybrid-dimensional modeling for fluid flow in heterogeneous porous media using dual fracture-pore model with flux interaction of fracture-cavity network}, Journal = { Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering}, Volume = 100, Year = 2022, Pages = {104450} } @Inproceedings{Cho21RV, Author = { S. Choudhury and H. Reijm and C. Vuik}, Title = {Expanding the Applicability of the Competitive Modes Conjecture}, Booktitle = {Nonlinear Dynamics of Discrete and Continuous Systems}, Editor = {A.K. Abramian and V.A. Gaiko }, Note = {Series: Advanced Structured Materials; vol. 139}, Pages = {31--43}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021} @Inproceedings{Hos20PVH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and J.P. Piguave Tomala and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { Projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model {(pEDFM)} on Corner-point Grid Geometry for Subsurface Flow and Geothermal Modeling }, Booktitle = {ECMOR XVII - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 14-17, 2020 }, Editor = {A. Elsheikh}, Note = {https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202035245}, Pages = {1--16}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2020} @Article{Koo21aV, Author = {M.E. Kootte and C. Vuik}, Title = {Steady-State Stand-Alone Power Flow Solvers for Integrated Transmission-Distribution Networks: A Comparison Study and Numerical Assessment }, Journal = {Energies}, Volume = 14(18), Year = 2021, Pages = {5784} } @Article{Hos20VH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi}, Title = { Adaptive Dynamic Multilevel Simulation of Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics: X}, Volume = 7, Year = 2020, Pages = {100061} } @Article{Abb21aLV, Author = {M. Abbassi and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {The Effect of Variable Air-Fuel Ratio on Thermal {NO}x Emissions and Numerical Flow Stability in Rotary Kilns Using Non-Premixed Combustion }, Journal = {Processes}, Volume = 9, Year = 2021, Pages = {1723} } @Article{Dia21JV, Author = {G.B. Diaz and J.D. Jansen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Accelerating the solution of linear systems appearing in two-phase reservoir simulation by the use of {POD}-based deflation methods }, Journal = {Computational Geosciences }, Volume = 25, Year = 2021, Pages = { 1621--1621} } @Article{Hos22PVKH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and J. Piguave Tomala and C. Vuik and M. AlKobaisi and H. Hajibeygi}, Title = { Projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for flow and heat transfer in real-field geological formations with hexahedral corner-point grids}, Journal = {Advances in Water Resources} Volume = 159, Year = 2022, Pages = {104091} } @Article{Vis22, Author = {L.R. Visser and M.E. Kootte and A.C. Ferreira and O. Sicurani and E.J. Pauwels and C. Vuik and W.G.J.H.M. Van Sark and T.A. AlSkaif}, Title = { An operational bidding framework for aggregated electric vehicles on the electricity spot market}, Journal = {Applied Energy}, Volume = 308, Year = 2022, Pages = {118280} } @Article{Wan22aVH, Author = {Y. Wang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { CO$_2$ Storage in deep saline aquifers: impacts of fractures on hydrodynamic trapping}, Journal = {International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control }, Volume = 113, Year = 2022, Pages = {103552} } @Article{Nak21LV, Author = {P. Nakate and D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {The nitric oxide formation in anode baking furnace through numerical modeling }, Journal = {International Journal of Thermofluids}, Volume = 12, Year = 2021, Pages = {100122} } @Article{Wan22VH, Author = {Y. Wang and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { Analysis of hydrodynamic trapping interactions during full-cycle injectionand migration of CO2 in deep saline aquifers}, Journal = {Advances in Water Resources }, Volume = 159, Year = 2022, Pages = {104073} } @Techreport{Kni20VT, Author = {J. Knipping and J. du Toit and C. Vuik}, Title = { Comparison of Wavelets for Adaptive Mesh Refinement}, Institution = {NAG }, Year = 2020, Type = {Technical Report}, Number = {TR1/20}, Address = {Oxford} } @Article{Wob20TMV, Author = {E. Wobbes and R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {Comparison and unification of material-point and optimal transportation meshfree methods }, Journal = {Computational Particle Mechanics}, Volume = 8, Year = 2020, Pages = {113--133} } @Article{Mar21aRV, Author = {A.S. Markensteijn and J.E. Romate and C. Vuik}, Title = { Optimal flow for general multi-carrier energy systems, including load flow equations}, Journal = {Results in Control and Optimization}, Volume = 5, Year = 2021, Pages = {100050} } @Inproceedings{Abb21LV, Author = {M. Abbassi and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = { Modelling Turbulent Combustion Coupled with Conjugate Heat Transfer in OpenFOAM}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Editor = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {1137--1146}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Tie21aMV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Direct Projection to Low-Order Level for p-Multigrid Methods in Isogeometric Analysis}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Editor = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {1001--1010}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Koo21V, Author = {M.E. Kootte and C. Vuik}, Title = {The Master-Slave Splitting Extended to Power Flow Problems on Integrated Networks with an Unbalanced Distribution Network}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Editor = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {625--632}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Mar21RV, Author = {}A.S. Markensteijn and J.E. Romate and C. Vuik, Title = {Scaling of the Steady-State Load Flow Equations for Multi-Carrier Energy Systems}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Editor = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {713--722}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Eus21V, Author = {R. Euser and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Non-reflective Boundary Condition for LBM Based on the Assumption of Non-equilibrium Symmetry}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Editor = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {399--408}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Book{Ver21V, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = { Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019 European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, 2019}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = 2021, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 139}, Address = {Cham}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Article{Hor21VE, Author = {H. Hornikova and C. Vuik and J. Egermaier}, Title = { A comparison of block preconditioners for isogeometric analysis discretizations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, Volume = 93, Year = 2021, Pages = {1788--1815} } @Article{Dwa21V, Author = {V. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = { Pollution and accuracy of solutions of the Helmholtz equation: A novel perspective from the eigenvalues}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 395, Year = 2021, Pages = {113549} } @Article{Ser21MKV, Author = { B. Sereeter and A.S. Markensteijn and M.E. Kootte and C. Vuik}, Title = { A novel linearized power flow approach for transmission and distribution networks}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 394, Year = 2021, Pages = {113572} } @Article{Van21CEPBV, Author = {J. Vandenplas and M.P.L. Calus and H. Eding and M. van Pelt and R. Bergsma and C. Vuik}, Title = {Convergence behavior of single-step GBLUP and SNPBLUP for different termination criteria}, Journal = {Genetics Selection Evolution}, Volume = 53:34, Year = 2021, Pages = {1--15} } @Article{Hin21JMV, Author = {J. Hinz and A. Jaeschke and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { The role of PDE-based parameterization techniques in gradient-based IGA shape optimization applications}, Journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, Volume = 378, Year = 2021, Pages = {113685} } @Article{Kum21V, Author = {S.V. Kumar and C. Vuik}, Title = { A simple and fast hole detection algorithm for triangulated surfaces}, Journal = {Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering}, Volume = 21, Year = 2021, Pages = {044502 } } @Article{Mar20RV, Author = { A.S. Markensteijn and J.E. Romate and C. Vuik}, Title = { A graph-based model framework for steady-state load flow problems of general multi-carrier energy systems}, Journal = {Applied Energy}, Volume = 280, Year = 2020, Pages = {115286} } @Inproceedings{Tie21MV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {Efficient p-Multigrid Based Solvers for Isogeometric Analysis on Multipatch Geometries}, Booktitle = {Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018}, Editor = {H. van Brummelen and C. Vuik and M. M\"oler and C. Verhoosel and b. Simeon and B. J\"uttler}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 133}, Pages = {209--225}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Hor21V, Author = {H. Hornikova and C. Vuik}, Title = {Preconditioning for Linear Systems Arising from IgA Discretized Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations}, Booktitle = {Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018}, Editor = {H. van Brummelen and C. Vuik and M. M\"oler and C. Verhoosel and b. Simeon and B. J\"uttler}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 133}, Pages = {76--97}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Inproceedings{Hin21MV, Author = {J. Hinz and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {An IGA Framework for PDE-Based Planar Parameterization on Convex Multipatch Domains}, Booktitle = {Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018}, Editor = {H. van Brummelen and C. Vuik and M. M\"oler and C. Verhoosel and b. Simeon and B. J\"uttler}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 133}, Pages = {57--75}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2021 } @Book{Bru21VNVSJ, Author = {H. van Brummelen and C. Vuik and M. Moller and C. Verhoosel and b. Simeon and B. Juttler}} Title = {Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = 2021, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 133}, Address = {Cham}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Inproceedings{Wob20MGV, Author = {E. Wobbes and M. M\"oller and V. Galavi and C. Vuik}, Title = { Taylor least squares reconstruction technique for material point methods }, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the 6th European Conference oo n Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018 }, Editor = {R. Owen and R. de Borst and J. Reese and C. Pearce}, Note = {}, Pages = {806--817}, Publisher = {International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2020} @Article{Tie20MGV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and D. G\"oddeke and C. Vuik}, Title = { p-multigrid methods and their comparison to h-multigrid methods within Isogeometric Analysis }, Journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, Volume = 372, Year = 2020, Pages = {113347} } @Article{Qiu20GWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = { Preconditioning Navier-Stokes control using multilevel sequentially semiseparable matrix computations }, Journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications}, Volume = 21, Year = 2020, Pages = {e2349} } @Article{Lah20AVTJ, Author = {D. Lahaye and M. el Abbassi and C. Vuik and M. Talice and F. Juretic}, Title = {Mitigating Thermal {NOx} by Changing the Secondary Air Injection Channel: A Case Study in the Cement Industry }, Journal = {Fluids}, Volume = 5, Year = 2020, Pages = { 220} } @Techreport{Koo20RV, Author = {M.E. Kootte and J.E. Romate and C. Vuik}, Title = { Load flow computations for (integrated) Transmission and Distribution systems. A literature review }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2020, Type = {Report}, Number = {20-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Koo20SV, Author = {M.E. Kootte and B. Sereeter and C. Vuik}, Title = { Solving the Steady-State Power Flow Problem on Integrated Transmission-Distribution Networks: A Comparison of Numerical Methods }, Booktitle = {2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), The Hague, Netherlands}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {899--903}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Address = {}, Year = 2020} @Inproceedings{Mar20V, Author = {A.S. Markensteijn and C. Vuik}, Title = {Convergence of {N}ewton's Method for Steady-State Load Flow Problems in Multi-Carrier Energy Systems}, Booktitle = {2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), The Hague, Netherlands}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1084--1088}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Address = {}, Year = 2020} @Techreport{Dwa20aV, Author = {V. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = { Scalable multi-level deflation preconditioning for the highly indefinite Helmholtz equation }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2020, Type = {Report}, Number = {20-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Kum20V, Author = {S.V. Kumar and C. Vuik}, Title = {Distance field driven mean camber line extraction algorithm }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2020, Type = {Report}, Number = {20-3}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Wob19aTMVG, Author = {E. Wobbes and R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik and V. Galavi}, Title = {Recent Developments to Improve the Numerical Accuracy}, Booktitle = {The Material Point Method for Geotechnical Engineering: A Practical Guide}, Editor = {J. Fern and A. Rohe and K. Soga and E. Alonso}, Note = {}, Pages = {67--88}, Publisher = {CRC Press}, Address = {Boca Raton}, Year = 2019} @Article{Dwa20V, Author = {V. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = { Scalable Convergence Using Two-Level Deflation Preconditioning for the Helmholtz Equation}, Journal = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing}, Volume = 42, Year = 2020, Pages = {A901--A928} } @Techreport{Ats19V, Author = {M. Atsma and C. Vuik}, Title = {Determining water speed of ships: Establishing the delivered power needed as a function of the ship's speed in relation to the water}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2019, Type = {Report}, Number = {19-4}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Li19RKV, Author = {X. Li and J.K. Ryan and R.M. Kirby and C. Vuik}, Title = { { Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) Filtering for Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions over Nonuniform Meshes: Superconvergence and Optimal Accuracy } }, Journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, Volume = 81, Year = 2019, Pages = {1150--1180} } @Inproceedings{Mar19VR, Author = {A.S. Markensteijn and C. Vuik and J.E. Romate}, Title = {On the Solvability of Steady-State Load Flow Problems for Multi-Carrier Energy Systems}, Booktitle = {2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech}, Editor = {D. Zaninelli and F. Zaninelli and S. Leva}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--6}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Address = {Milan}, Year = 2019} @Article{Ser19WVW, Author = {B. Sereeter and W. van Westering and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = { Linear Power Flow Method Improved With Numerical Analysis Techniques Applied to a Very Large Network }, Journal = {Energies}, Volume = 12, Year = 2019, Pages = {1--15} } % 1653 % power_grid @Techreport{Mar19RV, Author = {A.S. Markensteijn and J.E. Romate and C. Vuik}, Title = { A graph-based framework for steady-state load flow analysis of multi-carrier energy networks }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2019, Type = {Report}, Number = {19-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Hos19ACVH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and R. Arbarim and M. Cusini and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel Method for Fractured Geothermal Reservoir Simulation }, Booktitle = { SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 10-11 April, 2019 Galveston, Texas, USA }, Editor = {}, Note = {https://doi.org/10.2118/193894-MS}, Pages = {1--16}, Publisher = { SPE }, Address = {}, Year = 2019} @Inproceedings{Quo19WSMV, Author = {J. Quoc-Anh Tran and E. Wobbes and W. Solowski and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Moving least squares reconstruction for {B-spline Material Point Method} }, Booktitle = {2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction, Anura3D, MPM Research Community}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {35--41}, Publisher = {Deltares}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2019} @Inproceedings{Tie19MV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Efficient multigrid based solvers for {B}-spline {MPM} }, Booktitle = {2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction, Anura3D, MPM Research Community}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {161--165}, Publisher = {Deltares}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2019} @Article{Van19CEV, Author = {J. Vandenplas and M.P.L. Calus and H. Eding and C. Vuik}, Title = { A second-level diagonal preconditioner for single-step SNPBLUP}, Journal = {Genetics Selection Evolution}, Volume = 51:30, Year = 2019, Pages = {1--16} } @Inproceedings{Wob19TMVG, Author = {E. Wobbes and M. M\"oller and R. Tielen and C. Vuik and V. Galavi}, Title = {Comparison between Material Point Method and meshfree schemes derived from optimal transportation theory}, Booktitle = {2nd International Conference on the Material Point Method for Modelling Soil-Water-Structure Interaction, Anura3D, MPM Research Community}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {173--178}, Publisher = {Deltares}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2019} @Article{Ser19VW, Author = {B. Sereeter and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = {On a comparison of Newton-Raphson solvers for power flow problems }, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 360, Year = 2019, Pages = {157--169} } @Article{Moe19V, Author = {M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { A conceptual framework for quantum accelerated automated design optimization}, Journal = {Microprocessors and Microsystems}, Volume = 66, Year = 2019, Pages = {67--71} } @Inproceedings{Lah19V, Author = {D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {Globalized {Newton-Krylov-Schwarz AC} Load Flow Methods for Future Power Systems}, Booktitle = {Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems: The PowerWeb Program at TU Delft}, Editor = {P. Palensky and M. Cvetkovic and T. Keviczky}, Note = {}, Pages = {79--98}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2019} @Article{Sin19VKB, Author = {M. Singh and C. Vuik and G. Kaur and H.-J. Bart}, Title = {Effect of different discretizations on the numerical solution of 2{D} aggregation population balance equation }, Journal = {Powder Technology}, Volume = 342, Year = 2019, Pages = {972--984} } @Article{Gai18VR, Author = {V. Gaiko and C. Vuik and H. Reijm}, Title = { Bifurcation Analysis of a Multi-Parameter {L}ienard Polynomial System }, Journal = {IFAC-PapersOnLine}, Volume = 51, Year = 2018, Pages = {144--149} } @Article{Hin18bMV, Author = {J. Hinz and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Spline-Based Parameterization Techniques for Twin-Screw Machine Geometries }, Journal = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering}, Volume = 425, Year = 2018, Pages = {012030} } @Article{Wob19MGV, Author = {E. Wobbes and M. M\"oller and V. Galavi and C. Vuik}, Title = { Conservative {T}aylor least squares reconstruction with application to material point methods}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering}, Volume = 117, Year = 2019, Pages = {271--290} } @Article{Vui18, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = { Krylov Subspace Solvers and Preconditioners}, Journal = { ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys}, Volume = 63, Year = 2018, Pages = {1--43} } @Article{Gai18V, Author = {V. Gaiko and C. Vuik}, Title = { Global Dynamics in the {L}eslie-{G}ower Model with the {A}llee Effect}, Journal = {International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos}, Volume = 28, Year = 2018, Pages = {1850151 1--10} } @Inproceedings{Nak18LVT, Author = {P. Nakate and D. Lahaye and C. Vuik and M. Talice}, Title = {Systematic Development and Mesh Sensitivity Analysis of a Mathematical Model for an Anode Baking Furnace}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2018 5th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting FEDSM2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 15-20, 2018}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--8}, Publisher = {ASME }, Address = {New York}, Year = 2018} @Techreport{He18V, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik }, Title = { Efficient and robust {S}chur complement approximations in the augmented {L}agrangian preconditioner for high {R}eynolds number laminar flows }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2018, Type = {Report}, Number = {18-05}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Van18aECV, Author = {J. Vandenplas and H. Eding and M.P.L. Calus and C. Vuik}, Title = { Deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method for solving single-step BLUP models efficiently}, Journal = {Genetics Selection Evolution}, Volume = 50:51, Year = 2018, Pages = {1--17} } @Inproceedings{Hos18aCVH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and M. Cusini and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = { Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel Method for Single-phase Flow in Heterogeneous Geothermal Reservoirs }, Booktitle = {ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 3-6, 2018 }, Editor = {D. Gunasekera}, Note = {DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802162}, Pages = {1--11}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2018} @Inproceedings{Dia18JV, Author = {G.B. Diaz Cortes and J.D. Jansen and C. Vuik}, Title = { On The Acceleration Of Ill-Conditioned Linear Systems: A Pod-Based Deflation Method For The Simulation Of Two-Phase Flow }, Booktitle = {ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 3-6, 2018 }, Editor = {D. Gunasekera}, Note = {DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802122}, Pages = {1--22}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2018} @Article{Hos18CVH, Author = {M. HosseiniMehr and M. Cusini and C. Vuik and H. Hajibeygi }, Title = {Algebraic dynamic multilevel method for embedded discrete fracture model {(F-ADM)} }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 373, Year = 2018, Pages = {324--345} } @Article{Hin18aMV, Author = {J. Hinz and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Elliptic grid generation techniques in the framework of isogeometric analysis applications}, Journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design}, Volume = 65, Year = 2018, Pages = {48--75} } @Inproceedings{Wob18aMGV, Author = {E. Wobbes and M. M\"oller and V. Galavi and C. Vuik}, Title = { Taylor Least Squares reconstruction technique for material point methods }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) 1115 June 2018, Glasgow, UK }, Editor = {R. Owen and R. de Borst and J. Reese}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--12}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS, CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2018} @Inproceedings{Hin18MV, Author = {J. Hinz and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { Spline-based meshing techniques for industrial applications }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) 1115 June 2018, Glasgow, UK }, Editor = {R. Owen and R. de Borst and J. Reese}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--12}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS, CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2018} @Inproceedings{Tie18MV, Author = {R. Tielen and M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = {Efficient Multigrid based solvers for isogeometric analysis}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) 1115 June 2018, Glasgow, UK }, Editor = {R. Owen and R. de Borst and J. Reese}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--12}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS, CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2018} @Inproceedings{Van18ECV, Author = {J. Vandenplas and H. Eding and M.P.L. Calus and C. Vuik}, Title = {Deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method for solving single-step single nucleotide polymorphism {BLUP}}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 11.25}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--7}, Publisher = {}, Address = {}, Year = 2018} @Techreport{Dwa18V, Author = {V. Dwarka and C. Vuik}, Title = { Scalable Convergence Using Two-Level Deflation Preconditioning for the Helmholtz Equation }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2018, Type = {Report}, Number = {18-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Dia18aVJ, Author = {G.B. Diaz Cortes and C. Vuik and J.D. Jansen}, Title = { {POD}-based deflation techniques for the solution of two-phase flow problems in large and highly heterogeneous porous media }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2018, Type = {Report}, Number = {18-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Wob18MGV, Author = {E. Wobbes and M. M\"oller and V. Galavi and C. Vuik }, Title = { Conservative Taylor Least Squares reconstruction for material point methods }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2018, Type = {Report}, Number = {18-02}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Mar18V, Author = {A.S. Markensteijn and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Literature Study on Modeling Integrated Energy System Networks}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-08}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{He18VK, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik and C. Klaij}, Title = { Combining the {A}ugmented {L}agrangian Preconditioner with the Simple {S}chur Complement Approximation }, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing }, Volume = 40, Year = 2018, Pages = {A1362--A1385} } @Article{Bru18VVV, Author = {E. Brunner and C.C. de Visser and C. Vuik and M. Verhaegen }, Title = {{GPU} implementation for spline-based wavefront reconstruction }, Journal = {Journal of the Optical Society of America A}, Volume = 35, Year = 2018, Pages = {859--872} } @Techreport{Abb17aLV, Author = {M. Abbassi and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling turbulent combustion coupled with conjugate heat transfer in OpenFOAM}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Qiu18GWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = { Evaluation of multilevel sequentially semiseparable preconditioners on computational fluid dynamics benchmark problems using Incompressible Flow and Iterative Solver Software}, Journal = {Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences}, Volume = 41, Year = 2018, Pages = {888--903} } @Inproceedings{vdV17V, Author = {H.A. van der Vorst and C. Vuik}, Title = {Linear Algebraic Solvers and Eigenvalue Analysis}, Booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics Second Edition}, Editor = {Erwin Stein and Rene de Borst and Thomas J. R. Hughes}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--28}, Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd}, Address = {Chichester}, Year = 2017} @Article{Raf18BV, Author = {B. Raftari and N.V. Budko and C. Vuik}, Title = { A modified and calibrated drift-diffusion-reaction model for time-domain analysis of charging phenomena in electron-beam irradiated insulators }, Journal = { AIP Advances}, Volume = 8, Year = 2018, Pages = {015307 } } @Article{Gai17aGV, Author = {V. Gaiko and J. Ginoux and C. Vuik}, Title = { The termination principle of multiple limit cycles for the {K}ukles cubic system}, Journal = { Cybernetics and Physics}, Volume = 6, Year = 2017, Pages = { 195--200} } @Techreport{Ser17bVW, Author = {B. Sereeter and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = { Newton Power Flow Methods For Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Networks }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-9}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Moe17V, Author = {M. M\"oller and C. Vuik}, Title = { On the impact of quantum computing technology on future developments in high-performance scientific computing}, Journal = {Ethics and Information Technology}, Volume = 19, Year = 2017, Pages = {253--269} } @Article{Jon17PDV, Author = {M. de Jong and A. van der Ploeg and A. Ditzel and C. Vuik}, Title = { Fine-grain parallel RRB-solver for 5-/9-point stencil problems suitable for GPU-type processors}, Journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis}, Volume = 46, Year = 2017, Pages = {375--393} } @Article{Ser17aVW, Author = {B. Sereeter and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = { Newton Power Flow Methods for Unbalanced Three-Phase Distribution Networks}, Journal = {Energies}, Volume = 10, Year = 2017, Pages = {1658--1677} } @Inproceedings{Ais14VV, Author = { M.H. Aissa and T. Verstraete and C. Vuik}, Title = { Use of modern GPUs in Design Optimisation}, Booktitle = { The 10th ASMO UK / ISSMO conference on Engineering Design Optimization Product and Process Improvement Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands June 30th - July 1st, 2014}, Editor = { F. van Keulen and M. Guffens and G. van der Veen and M. Langelaar}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--11}, Publisher = { Delft University of Technology}, Address = { Delft}, Year = 2014} @Inproceedings{Ais17MVV, Author = {M.H. Aissa and L. Muller and T. Verstraete and C. Vuik}, Title = {Acceleration of Turbomachinery Steady Simulations on GPU}, Booktitle = { European Conference on Parallel Processing Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops}, Editor = {F. Desprez and P.-F. Dutot and C. Kaklamanis and L. Marchal and K. Molitorisz and L. Ricci and V. Scarano and M.A. Vega-Rodriguez and A.L. Varbanescu and S. Hunold and S.L. Scott and S. Lankes and J. Weidendorfer }, Note = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 10104) }, Pages = {814--825}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Cham}, Year = 2017} @Inproceedings{Abb17LV, Author = {M. Abbassi and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling turbulent combustion coupled with conjugate heat transfer in {OpenFOAM}}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium 17 - 21 September 2017 Flegrea Area, Napoli, Italy}, Editor = {F. Beretta and N. Selcuk and M.S. Mansour and A. D'Anna}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--15}, Publisher = {School of Polytechnic and Basic Sciences of University of Naples}, Address = {Naples}, Year = 2017} @Article{Dia18VJ, Author = {G.B. Diaz Cortes and C. Vuik and J.D. Jansen}, Title = { On {POD-based Deflation Vectors for DPCG} applied to porous media problems}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 330, Year = 2018, Pages = {193--213} } @Inproceedings{Wek17VV, Author = {C.D. van der Wekken and E.A.H. Vollebregt and C. Vuik}, Title = {Occurrence and removal of wiggles in transient rolling contact simulation}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of EuroMech colloquium 578, Rolling Contact Mechanics for Multibody System Dynamics}, Editor = {J. Ambrosio, W. Schielen, and J. Pombo}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--11}, Publisher = {IDMEC}, Address = {Lisbon}, Year = 2017 } @Book{Zwi14HIHV, Author = {J.S.B. van Zwieten and D.R. van der Heul and R.H.A. IJzermans, R.A.W.M. Henkes and C. Vuik}, Title = { Two-Phase Flow Solved by High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method }, Editor = {M. Azaiez and H. El Fekih and J.S. Hesthaven, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = 2014, Series = {{Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations - Selected papers ICOSAHOM 2012 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 95}, Address = {New York}, Pages = {415--425}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Article{Zwi17SHVH, Author = {{J.S.B. van Zwieten and B. Sanderse and M.H.V. Hendrix and C. Vuik and R.A.W.M. Henkes}, Title = { Efficient simulation of one-dimensional two-phase flow with a high-order h-adaptive space-time {D}iscontinuous {G}alerkin method}, Journal = {Computers and Fluids}, Volume = 156, Year = 2017, Pages = {34--47} } @Techreport{He17aVK, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik C. Klaij}, Title = { Combining the augmented Lagrangian preconditioner with the SIMPLE Schur complement approximation }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ser17VW, Author = {B. Sereeter and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = { On a comparison of {N}ewton-{R}aphson solvers for power flow problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-7}, Address = {Delft} } @InProceedings{Gai17GV, author = {V. Gaiko and J. Ginoux and C. Vuik}, title = {Control of limit cycle bifurcations in the {K}ukles cubic system}, booktitle = { Physcon 2017}, year = {2017}, editor = {R. Meucci and F. Marino}, note = {17-19 July, 2017, Florence - Italy}, Pages = {1--6} } @InProceedings{Kla17HV, author = {C.M. Klaij and X. He and C. Vuik}, title = {On the design of block preconditioners for maritime engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering MARINE}, year = {2017}, editor = {M. Visonneau and P. Queutey and D. Le Touz\'{e}}, note = {May 15 -- 17, Nantes, France}, Pages = {893--904} } @Article{He17VK, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik and C. Klaij}, Title = { Block-preconditioners for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations discretized by a finite volume method }, Journal = {Journal of Numerical Mathematics }, Volume = 25, Year = 2017, Pages = {89--105} } @Article{Ais17VV, Author = {M.H. Aissa and T. Verstraete and C. Vuik}, Title = { Toward a GPU-aware comparison of explicit and implicit CFD simulations on structured meshes }, Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, Volume = 74, Year = 2017, Pages = {201--217} } @Article{Kop17VKNZV, Author = {D.C. Koppenol and G.V. Koppenol-Gonzalez and F.J. Vermolen and F.B. Niessen and P.P.M. van Zuijlen and C. Vuik}, Title = { A mathematical model for the simulation of the contraction of burns}, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, Volume = 75, Year = 2017, Pages = {1--31} } @Article{Che17V, Author = {J. Chen and C. Vuik}, Title = { Globalization technique for projected {Newton-Krylov} methods}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering }, Volume = 110, Year = 2017, Pages = {661--674} } @Inproceedings{Luk17V, Author = {A. Lukyanov and C. Vuik}, Title = {Meshless Multi-Point Flux Approximation}, Booktitle = {Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII}, Editor = {M. Griebel and M.A. Schweitzer }, Note = { Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering book series (LNCSE, volume 115)}, Pages = {67--84}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2017} @Inproceedings{Lah17V, Author = {D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {How to Choose the Shift in the Shifted Laplace Preconditioner for the Helmholtz Equation Combined with Deflation}, Booktitle = {Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems}, Editor = {D. Lahaye and J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Pages = {85--112}, Publisher = {Birkhauser}, Address = {Basel}, Year = 2017} @Book{Lah17TV, Author = {D. Lahaye and J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems}, Publisher = {Birkhauser}, Year = 2017, Series = {Geosystems Mathematics}, Address = {Basel}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Article{Wob17BVS, Author = { E. Wobbes and L. Beuth and C. Vuik and D. Stolle}, Title = { Modeling of Liquefaction using Two-phase {FEM} with {UBC3D-PLM} model}, Journal = { Procedia Engineering}, Volume = 175, Year = 2017, Pages = {349--356} } @Techreport{Dia17VJ, Author = {G.B. Diaz Cortes and C. Vuik and J.D. Jansen}, Title = { On POD-based Deflation Vectors for DPCG applied to porous media problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2017, Type = {Report}, Number = {17-1}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Gra17, Author = {H. van der Graaf and H. Akhtara and N. Budko and H.W. Chan and C. W. Hagen and C.C.T. Hansson and G. Nutzeld and S.D. Pinto and V. Prodanovic and B. Raftari and P.M. Sarro and J. Sinsheimer and J. Smedley and S. Tao and A.M.M.G. Theulings and C. Vuik}, Title = { The Tynode: A new vacuum electron multiplier}, Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, Volume = 847, Year = 2017, Pages = {148--161} } @Article{Kop17aVNZV, Author = {D.C. Koppenol and F.J. Vermolen and F.B. Niessen and P.P.M. van Zuijlen and C. Vuik}, Title = { A biomechanical mathematical model for the collagen bundle distribution-dependent contraction and subsequent retraction of healing dermal wounds}, Journal = { {Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology}, Volume = 16, Year = 2017, Pages = {345--361} } @Article{Kop17VNZV, Author = {D.C. Koppenol and F.J. Vermolen and F.B. Niessen and P.P.M. van Zuijlen and C. Vuik}, Title = { A mathematical model for the simulation of the formation and the subsequent regression of hypertrophic scar tissue after dermal wounding}, Journal = {Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology}, Volume = 16, Year = 2017, Pages = {15--32} } @InProceedings{Wij13VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, title = { {Various Flow Equations to Model the New Soil Improvement Method Biogrout} }, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011 the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011}, pages = {633--644}, year = {2013}, editor = {A. Cangiani and R.L. Davidchack and E. Georgoulis and A.N. Gorban and J. Levesley and M.V. Tretyakov}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @InProceedings{Ibr13VV, Author = {D. Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, title = { {On the Density-Enthalpy Method for the 2D Darcy Flow} }, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011 the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011}, pages = {519--528}, year = {2013}, editor = {A. Cangiani and R.L. Davidchack and E. Georgoulis and A.N. Gorban and J. Levesley and M.V. Tretyakov}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @InProceedings{Oud13VZVS, Author = {D. den Ouden and F.J. Vermolen and L. Zhao and C. Vuik and J. Sietsma}, title = { {Application of the Level-Set Method to a Mixed-Mode and Curvature Driven Stefan Problem} }, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011 the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011}, pages = {141--148}, year = {2013}, editor = {A. Cangiani and R.L. Davidchack and E. Georgoulis and A.N. Gorban and J. Levesley and M.V. Tretyakov}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @Article{Lin17VH, Author = {K. Lindenberg and K. Vuik and P.W.J. van Hengel}, Title = { Stability analysis for numerical methods applied to an inner ear model}, Journal = {Involve}, Volume = 10, Year = 2017, Pages = {181--196} } @Techreport{Jon16V, Author = {M. de Jong and C. Vuik}, Title = {{GPU} Implementation of the {RRB}-solver}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2016, Type = {Report}, Number = {16-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Oud16HVH, Author = {G. Oud and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and R.A.W.M. Henkes}, Title = { A fully conservative mimetic discretization of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations in cylindrical coordinates with associated singularity treatment}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 325, Year = 2016, Pages = {314--337} } @Inproceedings{Jon16LWV, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and A.A. Lukyanov and E.D. Wobbes and C. Vuik}, Title = {Monotone {N}on-{G}alerkin {A}lgebraic {M}ultigrid Method Applied to Reservoir Simulations}, Booktitle = {ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, August 29 - September 1, 2016 }, Editor = {J.D. Jansen}, Note = {DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601896}, Pages = {1--10}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Houten}, Year = 2016} @Inproceedings{Luk16V, Author = {A. Lukyanov and C. Vuik}, Title = {Parallel Fully Implicit Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Based Multiscale Method}, Booktitle = {ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, August 29 - September 1, 2016 }, Editor = {J.D. Jansen}, Note = {DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601748}, Pages = {1--10}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Houten}, Year = 2016} @Inproceedings{Dia16aVJ, Author = {G.B. Diaz Cortes and C. Vuik and J.D. Jansen}, Title = {Physics-based Pre-conditioners for Large-scale Subsurface Flow Simulation}, Booktitle = {ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, August 29 - September 1, 2016 }, Editor = {J.D. Jansen}, Note = {DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601801}, Pages = {1--10}, Publisher = { EAGE}, Address = {Houten}, Year = 2016} @Article{She16LGNV, Author = {A.H. Sheikh and D. Lahaye and L. Garcia Ramos and R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = { Accelerating the shifted Laplace preconditioner for the Helmholtz equation by multilevel deflation}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 322, Year = 2016, Pages = {473--490} } @Article{Rae16HV, Author = {F. Raees and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {A mass-conserving level-set method for simulation of multiphase flow in geometrically complicated domains }, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, Volume = 81, Year = 2016, Pages = {399--425} } @Article{He16V, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik}, Title = { Comparison of Some Preconditioners for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations }, Journal = {Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications }, Volume = 9, Year = 2016, Pages = {239--261} } @Article{Mie16SCV, Author = {M.M.J. Mieremet and D.F. Stolle and F. Ceccato and C. Vuik}, Title = { Numerical stability for modelling of dynamic two-phase interaction}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics }, Volume = 40, Year = 2016, Pages = {1284--1294} } @Inproceedings{Ais16VV, Author = {M.H. Aissa and T. Verstraete and C. Vuik}, Title = {Aerodynamic optimization of supersonic compressor cascade using differential evolution on GPU}, Booktitle = {International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 22-28 September 2015, Rhodos, AIP Conference Proceedings 1738}, Editor = { Theodore Simos and Charalambos Tsitouras}, Note = {}, Pages = {480077-1--4}, Publisher = {AIP Publishing}, Address = {Melville}, Year = 2016} @Article{Kni16VO, Author = {H. Knibbe and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = {{ Reduction of computing time for least-squares migration based on the {H}elmholtz equation by graphics processing units } }, Journal = {Computational Geosciences}, Volume = 20, Year = 2016, Pages = {297--315} } @Techreport{Dia16VJ, Author = {G. B. Diaz Cortes and C. Vuik and J. D. Jansen}, Title = { Physics-based pre-conditioners for large-scale subsurface flow simulation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2016, Type = {Report}, Number = {16-3}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Wij16PVMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and L. A. van Paassen and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Reactive Transport Model for Biogrout Compared to Experimental Data}, Journal = {Transport in Porous Media}, Volume = 111, Year = 2016, Pages = {627--648 } @Inproceedings{Tho15LVS, Author = {R. Thomas and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Simulation of Arc Models with the Block Modelling Method}, Booktitle = {IPST International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Cavtat, Croatia, June 15-18, 2015}, Editor = {B.K. Johnson}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--8}, Publisher = {University of Zagreb}, Address = {Zagreb}, Year = 2015} @Article{Qiu15bGWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = {Efficient preconditioners for {PDE}-constrained optimization problem with a multilevel sequentially semiseparable matrix structure }, Journal = {ETNA}, Volume = 44, Year = 2015, Pages = {367--400} } Author = {D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {Computational challenges in electrical power networks }, Journal = {Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vijfde serie}, Volume = 16, Year = 2015, Pages = {244--245} } @Techreport{Zwi15SHVH, Author = {J.S.B. van Zwieten and B. Sanderse and M.H.V. Hendrix and C. Vuik and R.A.W.M. Henkes}, Title = {Efficient simulation of one-dimensional two-phase flow with a new high-order {D}iscontinuous {G}alerkin method}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2015, Type = {Report}, Number = {15-07}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Raf15BV, Author = {B. Raftari and N.V. Budko and C. Vuik}, Title = { Self-consistent drift-diffusion-reaction model for the electron beam interaction with dielectric samples}, Journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, Volume = 118, Year = 2015, Pages = {204101} } @Article{Lin16JLV, Author = {J.H. van der Linden and T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and A.A. Lukyanov and C. Vuik}, Title = {The parallel subdomain-levelset deflation method in reservoir simulation }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 304, Year = 2016, Pages = {340--358} } @Techreport{Qiu15aGWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = { Preconditioning Optimal In-Domain Control of Navier-Stokes Equation Using Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Matrix Computations }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2015, Type = {Report}, Number = {15-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Gup15LGV, Author = {R. Gupta and D. Lukarski and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Evaluation of the {D}eflated {P}reconditioned {CG} method to solve Bubbly and Porous Media Flow Problems on {GPU} and {CPU} }, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, Volume = 80, Year = 2016, Pages = {666--683} } @Article{Eba15AV, Author = {G. Ebadi and N. Alipour and C. Vuik}, Title = { Deflated and augmented global {K}rylov subspace methods for the matrix equations }, Journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics }, Volume = 99 , Year = 2016, Pages = { 137--150} } @Article{Wou15HVV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and D.R. van der Heul and H. van der Ven and C. Vuik}, Title = { Stability analysis of the marching-on-in-time boundary element method for electromagnetics }, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 294, Year = 2016, Pages = {358--371 }} @Article{Li15RKV, Author = {X. Li and J.K. Ryan and R.M. Kirby and C. Vuik}, Title = { {Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) filters for derivative approximations of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) solutions over nonuniform meshes and near boundaries} }, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 294, Year = 2016, Pages = {275--296} } @Article{Rya15XKV, Author = {J.K. Ryan and X. Li and R.M. Kirby and C. Vuik}, Title = {One-sided Position-Dependent {Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC)} Filtering Over Uniform and Non-uniform Meshes }, Journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, Volume = 64, Year = 2015, Pages = {773--817} } @InProceedings{Ide15LV, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik }, title = {On the convergence of inexact Newton methods}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2013 Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011 the 10th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Lausanne, August 2013}, pages = {355--363}, year = {2015}, editor = {A. Abdulle and S. Deparis and D. Kressner and F. Nobile and M. Picasso and A. Quarteroni}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @Techreport{Qiu15GWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = { Convergence Analysis of the Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Preconditioners }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2015, Type = {Report}, Number = {15-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Tan14VW, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik and C. Witteveen}, Title = {Recent and Future Contributions of {D}elft {U}niversity of {T}echnology to Smart Grids }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2014, Type = {Report}, Number = {14-05}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{He15NV, Author = {X. He and M. Neytcheva and C. Vuik}, Title = {On preconditioning of incompressible non-{N}ewtonian flow problems }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Mathematics}, Volume = 33, Year = 2015, Pages = {33--58} } @Article{Wag14LHV, Author = {F.L.M. van Wageningen-Kessels and J.W.C. Lint and S.P. Hoogendoorn and C. Vuik}, Title = { New Generic Multiclass Kinematic Wave Traffic Flow Model}, Journal = {Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board}, Volume = 2422, Year = 2014, Pages = {50--60} @Article{Lin14BBGV, Author = {F.J. Lingen and P.G. Bonnier and R.B.J. Brinkgreve and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = { A parallel linear solver exploiting the physical properties of the underlying mechanical problem}, Journal = { Computational Geosciences }, Volume = 18, Year = 2014, Pages = {913--926} } @Article{Sli15V, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = { Scalable two-level preconditioning and deflation based on a piecewise constant subspace for {(SIP)DG} systems for diffusion problems}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 275, Year = 2015, Pages = {61--78} } @Article{Ji14SRV, Author = {L. Ji and P. van Slingerland and J.K. Ryan and C. Vuik}, Title = {Superconvergent error estimates for position-dependent smoothness-increasing accuracy-conserving ({SIAC}) post-processing of discontinuous {G}alerkin solutions }, Journal = {Math. Comp. }, Volume = 83, Year = 2014, Pages = {2239--2262} } @Article{Wij14VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = {A robust method to tackle pressure boundary conditions in porous media flow: application to biogrout }, Journal = {Computational Geosciences}, Volume = 18, Year = 2014, Pages = {103--115} } @Article{Wag14LVH, Author = {F.L.M. van Wageningen-Kessels and J.W.C. Lint and C. Vuik and S.P. Hoogendoorn}, Title = { Genealogy of traffic flow models}, Journal = {EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics }, Volume = 4, Year = 2015, Pages = {445--473} } @Article{Sli14V, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = { Fast linear solver for diffusion problems with applications to pressure computation in layered domains}, Journal = {Computational Geosciences}, Volume = 1, Year = 2014, Pages = {1--1} } @Article{Kni14MOV, Author = {H. Knibbe and W.A. Mulder and C. W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = {Closing the performance gap between an iterative frequency-domain solver and an explicit time-domain scheme for {3D} migration on parallel architectures }, Journal = {Geophysics}, Volume = 79, Year = 2014, Pages = { S47--S61} } @Article{Las14JV, Author = {M. Lashckarbolok and E. Jabbari and K. Vuik}, Title = {A node enrichment strategy in collocated discrete least squares meshless method for the solution of generalized {N}ewtonian fluid flow }, Journal = {Scientia Iranica A}, Volume = 21, Year = 2014, Pages = {1--10} } @Techreport{Vui13DWDKWKOL, Author = {C. Vuik and F. Daalderop and P. Wilders and J. Daudt and R. van Kints and X. Wu and K. Koolstra and J. van den Oever and B. Lobbezoo}, Title = {Online Math Education (MUMIE) for Numerical Analysis and Linear Algebra 2012-2013 }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-16}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Per13VPN, Author = {S.P. Pereira and C. Vuik and F.T. Pinho and J. M. Nobrega}, Title = {On the performance of a {2D} unstructured computational rheology code on a {GPU} }, Booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings, 1526 (72), Novel Trends in Rheology V, 30-31 July 2013 Zlin, Czech Republic}, Editor = {M. Zatloukal}, Note = {}, Pages = {72--89}, Publisher = {American Institute of Physics }, Address = {New York }, Year = 2013} @Techreport{Qiu13aGWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = {Efficient preconditioners by multilevel sequentially semiseparable matrix computations}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Qiu13GWVV, Author = {Yue Qiu and Martin B. van Gijzen and Jan-Willem van Wingerden and Michel Verhaegen and Cornelis Vuik}, Title = {Efficient Preconditioners for PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems with a Multi-level Sequentially Semi-Separable Matrix Structure}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{He13V, Author = {X. He and C. Vuik}, Title = {Comparison of some preconditioners for incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Wou13HVV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and D.R. van der Heul and H. van der Ven and C. Vuik}, Title = { The Influence of the Exact Evaluation of Radiation Fields in Finite Precision Arithmetic on the Stability of the Time Domain Integral Equation Method }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation}, Volume = 61, Year = 2013, Pages = {6064--6074 }} @Techreport{Tho13LVS, Author = {R. Thomas and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis }, Title = {Transients in power systems: A literature survey }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-12}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Wag13HHLV, Author = {F.L.M. van Wageningen-Kessels and B. van 't Hof and S.P. Hoogendoorn and J.W.C. Lint and C. Vuik}, Title = {Anisotropy in generic multi-class traffic flow models }, Journal = {Transportmetrica A: Transport Science}, Volume = 9, Year = 2013, Pages = {451--472} } @Article{Ide13PLVS, Author = {R. Idema and G. Papaefthymiou and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Towards Faster Solution of Large Power Flow Problems }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems}, Volume = 28, Year = 2013, Pages = {4918--4925} } @Techreport{Ide12PLVS, Author = {R. Idema and G. Papaefthymiou and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Towards Faster Solution of Large Power Flow Problems}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2012, Type = {Report}, Number = {12-08}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{He13NV, Author = {X. He and M. Neytcheva and C. Vuik}, Title = {On preconditioning incompressible non-{N}ewtonian flow problems}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2013, Type = {Report}, Number = {13-7}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Oud13ZVSV, Author = {D. den Ouden and L. Zhao and C. Vuik and J. Sietsma and F.J. Vermolen}, Title = {Modelling precipitate nucleation and growth with multiple precipitate species under isothermal conditions: Formulation and analysis}, Journal = {Computational Materials Science}, Volume = 79, Year = 2013, Pages = {933--943} } @Techreport{Ibr11VV, Author = {Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Stability analysis of the numerical density-enthalpy model}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui12DK, Author = {C. Vuik and F. Daalderop and R. van Kints}, Title = {Evaluation {MUMIE} - Online Math Education Aerospace Engineering 2011-2012}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2012, Type = {Report}, Number = {12-13}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui11DKBS, Author = {C. Vuik and F. Daalderop and R. van Kints and T. Baksteen and B. Schaap}, Title = {Evaluation {MUMIE} - Online Math Education Aerospace Engineering 2010-2011}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-16}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Gup13aGV, Author = {R. Gupta and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Efficient Two-Level Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method on the {GPU}}, Booktitle = {High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2012 10th International Conference, Kope, Japan, July 17-20, 2012, Revised Selected Papers}, Editor = { M. Dayd\'e, O. Marques, K. Nakajima }, Note = {}, Pages = {36--49}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Series = { Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7851}, Year = 2013} @Inproceedings{Gup13GV, Author = {R. Gupta and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = {3D Bubbly Flow Simulation on the {GPU} - Iterative Solution of a Linear System Using Sub-domain and Level-Set Deflation }, Booktitle = {2013 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing Feb. 27 2013-March 1 2013, Belfast, UK}, Editor = {Peter Kilpatrick and Peter Milligan and Rainer Stotzka}, Note = {}, Pages = {359--366}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Address = {Los Alamitos}, Year = 2013} @Inproceedings{Jon13PDV, Author = {M. de Jong and A. van der Ploeg and A. Ditzel and C. Vuik }, Title = {Real-time computation of interactive waves using the GPU}, Booktitle = {15th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium 2012 (NuTTS 2012), Proceedings of a meeting held 7-9 October 2012, Cortona, Italy }, Editor = {Volker Bertram}, Note = {}, Pages = {106--111}, Publisher = {Curran Associates}, Address = {Red Hook}, Year = 2013} @Article{Wag13YHLV, Author = {F. van Wageningen-Kessels and Y. Yuan and S. Hoogendoorn and H. van Lint and C. Vuik}, Title = {Discontinuities in the {L}agrangian formulation of the kinematic wave model }, Journal = {Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies}, Volume = 34, Year = 2013, Pages = {148--161} } @Article{She13LV, Author = {A.H. Sheikh and D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = { On the convergence of shifted {L}aplace preconditioner combined with multilevel deflation }, Journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications}, Volume = 20, Year = 2013, Pages = {645--662} } @Article{Oud13SVZVS, Author = {D. den Ouden and A. Segal and F.J. Vermolen and L. Zhao and C. Vuik and J. Sietsma}, Title = {Application of the level-set method to a mixed-mode driven {S}tefan problem in 2 {D} and 3 {D} }, Journal = {Computing}, Volume = 95, Year = 2013, Pages = {553--572} } @Article{Wij13VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = { A mathematical model for {B}iogrout {B}acterial placement and soil reinforcement}, Journal = {Computational Geosciences}, Volume = 17, Year = 2013, Pages = {463--478} } @Inproceedings{Vui13, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {Phase Change Analysis and {J}ozef {S}tefan}, Booktitle = {Jozef Stefan: His Scientific Legacy on the 175-th Anniversary of His Birth }, Editor = {J.C. Crepeau}, Note = {}, Series = {}, Pages = {166--183}, Publisher = {Bentham Science Publishers}, Address = {Bussum, The Netherlands}, Year = 2013} @Article{Jon13GVS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and C.Vuik and A. Scarpas}, Title = {On the Use of Rigid Body Modes in the {D}eflated {P}reconditioned {C}onjugate {G}radient Method }, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, Volume = 35, Year = 2013, Pages = {B207--B225} } @InProceedings{Kni13OV, Author = {H. Knibbe and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, title = {{3D H}elmholtz {K}rylov Solver Preconditioned by a Shifted {L}aplace Multigrid Method on {Multi-GPUs}}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011 the 9th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011}, pages = {653--661}, year = {2013}, editor = {A. Cangiani and R.L. Davidchack and E. Georgoulis and A.N. Gorban and J. Levesley and M.V. Tretyakov}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @Techreport{Wou11aVHV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and H. van der Ven and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {The accuracy of temporal basis functions used in the Time Domain Integral Equation method}, Institution = { National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Amsterdam}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {NLR-TP-2011-042}, Address = {Amsterdam} } @Techreport{Sli12aV, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = {Scalable two-level preconditioning and deflation based on a piecewise constant subspace for {(SIP)DG} systems}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2012, Type = {Report}, Number = {12-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Sli12V, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = {Fast linear solver for pressure computation in layered domains}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2012, Type = {Report}, Number = {12-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Wou12HVV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and D.R. van der Heul and H. van der Ven and C. Vuik}, Title = { Design of Temporal Basis Functions for Time Domain Integral Equation Methods With Predefined Accuracy and Smoothness }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation}, Volume = 61, Year = 2013, Pages = {271--280} } @Article{Wij12aVMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = { A mathematical model for {B}iogrout: {B}acterial placement and soil reinforcement}, Journal = {Computational Geosciences}, Volume = 17, Year = 2013, Pages = {463--478} } @Inproceedings{Per12VPN, Author = {S.P. Pereira and C. Vuik and F.T. Pinho and J. M. Nobrega}, Title = {Porting a {2D} Unstructured {CFD} code from the {CPU} to the {GPU}}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria}, Editor = {H.A. Mang and J. Eberhardsteiner and H.J. Bohm and F.G. Rammerstorner}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--2}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS}, Address = {CD-ROM ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7 }, Year = 2012} @Inproceedings{Rae12HV, Author = {F. Raees and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {The first step towards extension of the Mass-Conserving Level-Set method to discretisations using general polyhedral control volumes }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria}, Editor = {H.A. Mang and J. Eberhardsteiner and H.J. Bohm and F.G. Rammerstorner}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--2}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS}, Address = {CD-ROM ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7 }, Year = 2012} @Inproceedings{Oud12HVH, Author = {G. Oud and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik , R.A.W.M. Henkes}, Title = {Mass-Conserving Level Set method for pipe flows in cylindrical coordinates}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), September 10-14, 2012, Vienna, Austria}, Editor = {H.A. Mang and J. Eberhardsteiner and H.J. Bohm and F.G. Rammerstorner}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--2}, Publisher = {ECCOMAS}, Address = {CD-ROM ISBN: 978-3-9502481-9-7 }, Year = 2012} @Inproceedings{Wag11YLHV, Author = {F. van Wageningen-Kessels and Y. Yuan and H. van Lint and S. Hoogendoorn and C. Vuik}, Title = {Sinks and sources in Lagrangian coordinates: derivation, interpretation and simulation results}, Booktitle = {TRB Annual Meeting Online - TRB 90th Annual Meeting, January 23-27, 2011}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--16}, Publisher = {Transportation Research Board}, Address = {Washington DC}, Year = 2011} @Inproceedings{Zwi11GVMF, Author = {J.S.B. van Zwieten and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik and J. van Male and J.G.E.M. Fraaije}, Title = {Efficient solution method for the Stokes equations with variable viscosity and periodic boundary conditions}, Booktitle = {Proceedings 8th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in Oil and Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD 2011) June 21 - 23}, Editor = {J.E. Olsen et.al.}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--10}, Publisher = {SINTEF/NTNU}, Address = {Trondheim}, Year = 2011} @Inproceedings{Wag10aLHV, Author = {F. van Wageningen-Kessels and H. van Lint and S. Hoogendoorn and C. Vuik }, Title = {Lagrangian formulation of a multi-class kinematic wave model}, Booktitle = {Compendium of papers 89th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, January 10 - 14, 2010}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--14}, Publisher = {Mira Digital Publishing}, Address = {Washington DC}, Year = 2010} @Article{Wag10LHV, Author = {F. van Wageningen-Kessels and H. van Lint and S. Hoogendoorn and C. Vuik }, Title = { Lagrangian formulation of multiclass kinematic wave model}, Journal = {Transportation Research Record}, Volume = 2188, Year = 2010, Pages = {29--36} } @Techreport{Lin12BBGV, Author = {F.J. Lingen and P.G. Bonnier and R.B.J. Brinkgreve and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = {A parallel linear solver exploiting the physical properties of the underlying mechanical problem}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2012, Type = {Report}, Number = {12-12}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Jon12GMVS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and S. MacLachlan and C.Vuik and A. Scarpas}, Title = {Comparison of the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method and algebraic multigrid for composite materials }, Journal = {Computational Mechanics}, Volume = 50, Year = 2012, Pages = {321--333} } @Article{Jav12GMFVZ, Author = {E. Javierre and S.J. García and J.M.C. Mol and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { Tailoring the release of encapsulated corrosion inhibitors from damaged coatings: Controlled release kinetics by overlapping diffusion fronts}, Journal = {Progress in Organic Coatings}, Volume = 75, Year = 2012, Pages = {20--27} } @Article{Ide12LVS, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Scalable {N}ewton-{K}rylov Solver for Very Large Power Flow Problems }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems}, Volume = 27, Year = 2012, Pages = {390--396} } @Article{Wij12VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = { A Mathematical Model and Analytical Solution for the Fixation of Bacteria in Biogrout}, Journal = {Transport in Porous Media}, Volume = 92, Year = 2012, Pages = {847--866} } @Article{Kla12V, Author = {C.M. Klaij and C. Vuik}, Title = { {SIMPLE}-type preconditioners for cell-centered, colocated finite volume discretization of incompressible {R}eynolds-averaged {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, Volume = 71, Year = 2013, Pages = {830--349} } @Techreport{Gup11GV, Author = {R. Gupta and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Efficient Two-Level Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method on the {GPU}}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-15}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ide11LV, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {On the convergence of inexact {N}ewton methods}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-14}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Wij11aVMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = {A mathematical model and analytical solution for the fixation of bacteria in Biogrout}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-13}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Sli11V, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = {Spectral two-level deflation for {DG}: a preconditioner for {CG} that does not need symmetry}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-12}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui11DKS, Author = {C. Vuik and F. Daalderop and R. van Kints and B. Schaap}, Title = {Evaluation {MUMIE} Online Math Education Pilot Aerospace Engineering}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Rae11HV, Author = {F. Raees and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {Evaluation of the interface-capturing algorithm of OpenFOAM for the simulation of incompressible immiscible two-phase flow}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-07}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Kin11DV, Author = {R. van Kints and J.P.R.B. Daudt and C. Vuik}, Title = {MUMIE, een internationaal wiskundig E-learning pakket en platform}, Booktitle = {Proceedings NIOC 2011, Grenzeloos ICT onderwijs, April 7-8, 2011, Heerlen}, Editor = {Karel Lemmen en Evert van de Vrie}, Note = {}, Pages = {118--121}, Publisher = {Open Universiteit}, Address = {Heerlen}, Year = 2011} @Inproceedings{Wou11VHV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and H. van der Ven and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {The accuracy of temporal basis functions used in the TDIE method}, Booktitle = {2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI) July 3-8, 2011, Spokane}, Editor = {J.L. Young and S.L. Broschat and J.B. Schneider} , Note = {}, Pages = {2708--2711 }, Publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE}, Address = {Piscataway}, Year = 2011} @Inproceedings{Vui11TMN, Author = {C. Vuik and J.M. Tang and S. MacLachlan and R. Nabben}, Title = {A Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners based on Multigrid and Deflation }, Booktitle = {Schnelle Loser fur Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Report No. 28/2011}, Editor = {Randolph E. Bank, La Jolla Wolfgang Hackbusch, Leipzig, and Gabriel Wittum, Frankfurt}, Note = {}, Pages = {1542--1544}, Publisher = {Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach}, Address = {Oberwolfach}, Year = 2011} @Article{Kop11GV, Author = {J. van de Koppel and R. Gupta and C. Vuik}, Title = {Scaling-up spatially-explicit ecological models using graphics processors }, Journal = {Ecological Modelling}, Volume = 222, Year = 2011, Pages = {3011--3019} } @Article{Kni11OV, Author = {H. Knibbe and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = {{GPU implementation of a Helmholtz Krylov solver preconditioned by a shifted Laplace multigrid method} }, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 236, Year = 2011, Pages = {281--293} } @Article{Oud11aVZVS, Author = {D. den Ouden and F.J. Vermolen and L. Zhao and C. Vuik and J. Sietsma}, Title = {Mathematical Modelling of {NbC} Particle Nucleation and Growth in an {HSLA} Steel under Elastic Deformation }, Journal = {Solid State Phenomena}, Volume = {172-174}, Year = 2011, Pages = {893--898} } @Article{Oud11VZVS, Author = {D. den Ouden and F.J. Vermolen and L. Zhao and C. Vuik and J. Sietsma }, Title = {Modelling of particle nucleation and growth in binary alloys under elastic deformation: An application to a {Cu}0.95 wt\%{Co} alloy }, Journal = {Computational Materials Science}, Volume = 50, Year = 2011, Pages = {2397--2410} } @Techreport{Jon11GMVS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and S. MacLachlan and C.Vuik and A. Scarpas}, Title = {Comparison of the Deflated Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method and parallel direct solver for composite materials }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-05}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Jon11GVS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and C.Vuik and A. Scarpas}, Title = {On the use of rigid body modes in the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{She11LV, Author = {A.H. Sheikh and D. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {A scalable {H}emholtz solver combining the shifted {L}aplace preconditioner with multigrid deflation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2011, Type = {Report}, Number = {11-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Sli11RV, Author = {P. van Slingerland and J. Ryan and C. Vuik}, Title = {Position-Dependent {Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC)} Filtering for Improving {D}iscontinuous {G}alerkin Solutions }, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, Volume = 33, Year = 2011, Pages = {802--825} } @Article{Reh11GVSM, Author = {M. ur Rehman and T. Geenen and C. Vuik and G. Segal and S.P. MacLachlan}, Title = { On iterative methods for the incompressible {S}tokes problem}, Journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids}, Volume = 65, Year = 2011, Pages = {1180-1200} } @Article{Wij11VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = { Modelling {B}iogrout: A New Ground Improvement Method Based on Microbial-Induced Carbonate Precipitation}, Journal = {Transport in Porous Media }, Volume = 87, Year = 2011, Pages = {397--420} } @Inproceedings{Ide10aLVS, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Fast {N}ewton Load Flow}, Booktitle = {Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2010 IEEE PES}, Editor = {}, Note = {}, Pages = {1--7}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Address = {New Orleans}, Year = 2010} @Inproceedings{Hee10GVF, Author = {P.A. van Heerbeek and M.B. van Gijzen and C. Vuik and M.R. de la Fonteijne}, Title = {Numerical Modelling of a Pulse Combustion Burner: Limiting Conditions of Stable Operation}, Booktitle = {Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. Mathematics in Industry}, Editor = {A.D. Fitt and J. Norbury and H. Ockendon and E. Wilson}, Note = {}, Pages = {875--880}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = } @Inproceedings{Zem10VJV, Author = {S.V. Zemskov and F.J. Vermolen and E. Javierre and C. Vuik}, Title = { A Cut-Cell Finite-Element Method for a Discontinuous Switch Model for Wound Closure}, Booktitle = { Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009 }, Editor = { G. Kreiss and P. Lotstedt and A. Malqvist and M. Neytcheva}, Note = {}, Pages = {929--936}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2010} @Inproceedings{Wij10VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling the new soil improvement method biogrout: extension to 3{D}}, Booktitle = { Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009 }, Editor = { G. Kreiss and P. Lotstedt and A. Malqvist and M. Neytcheva}, Note = {}, Pages = {893--900}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2010} @Article{Hoo10HV, Author = {P.B. Hooghiemstra and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = { Application of the shifted-{L}aplace preconditioner for iterative solution of a higher order finite element discretisation of the vector wave equation: First experiences }, Journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, Volume = 60, Year = 2010, Pages = {1157--1170} } @Techreport{Ibr10aVV, Author = {Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Numerical Methods For Industrial Problems With Phase Changes}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2010, Type = {Report}, Number = {10-23}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Gup10VL, Author = {R. Gupta and C. Vuik and C.W.J. Lemmens}, Title = {{GPU} Implementation of Deflated Preconditioned {C}onjugate {G}radient}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2010, Type = {Report}, Number = {10-20}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ide10LVS, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik and L. van der Sluis}, Title = {Scalable {N}ewton-{K}rylov Solver for Very Large Power Flow Problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2010, Type = {Report}, Number = {10-22}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Sli10V, Author = {P. van Slingerland and C. Vuik}, Title = { Fast Iterative Methods for Discontinuous {G}alerkin Discretizations for Elliptic {PDEs}}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2010, Type = {Report}, Number = {10-19}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Seg10RV, Author = {A. Segal and M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik}, Title = {Preconditioners for Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes Solvers }, Journal = {Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications }, Volume = 3, Year = 2010, Pages = { 245--275} } @Techreport{Yue10TV, Author = {M.C. Yeung and J.M. Tang, and C. Vuik}, Title = {On the Convergence of {GMRES} with Invariant-Subspace Deflation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2010, Type = {Report}, Number = {10-14}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{She09VL, Author = {A.H. Sheikh and C. Vuik and D. Lahaye}, Title = {Fast Iterative Solution Methods For The Helmholtz Equation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ibr09aVVH, Author = {Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and D. Hegen}, Title = {Numerical Methods for Industrial Problems with Phase Changes }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Wij09VMV, Author = {W.K. van Wijngaarden and F.J. Vermolen and G.A.M. van Meurs and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling Biogrout: a new ground improvement method based on microbial induced carbonate precipitation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-09}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ide09LV, Author = {R. Idema and D.J.P. Lahaye and C. Vuik}, Title = {Load Flow Literature Survey }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Car10VLGB, Author = {M.H. Carpenter and C. Vuik and P. Lucas and M.B. van Gijzen and H. Bijl}, Title = {A General Algorithm for Reusing {K}rylov Subspace Information. {I}. Unsteady {N}avier-{S}tokes }, Institution = { NASA }, Year = 2010, Type = {NASA/TM}, Number = {2010216190}, Address = {Langley Research Center} } @Article{Ibr10VV, Author = {Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Application of the numerical density-enthalpy method to the multi-phase flow through a porous medium }, Journal = { Procedia Computer Science }, Volume = 1, Year = 2010, Pages = {781--790} } @Article{Wou10GDPV, Author = {E. van 't Wout and M.B. van Gijzen and A. Ditzel and A. van der Ploeg and C. Vuik}, Title = {The Deflated Relaxed Incomplete {C}holesky {CG} method for use in a real-time ship simulator }, Journal = { Procedia Computer Science }, Volume = 1, Year = 2010, Pages = {249--257} } @Inproceedings{Reh10VS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = {Block Preconditioners for the Incompressible {S}tokes Problem}, Booktitle = { Large-Scale Scientific Computing}, Editor = {I. Lirkov and S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski}, Note = {}, Pages = {829--836}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5910}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2010} @Article{Tan10MNV, Author = {J.M. Tang and S.P. MacLachlan and R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners Based on Multigrid and Deflation}, Journal = {SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. and Appl. }, Volume = 31, Year = 2010, Pages = {1715--1739} } @Article{Vel10aVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn}, Title = { On projected {N}ewton-{K}rylov solvers for instationary laminar reacting gas flows}, Journal = { Journal of Computational Physics }, Volume = 229, Year = 2010, Pages = {1724--1738} } @Inproceedings{Vel10VK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.~R. Kleijn }, Title = {On numerical issues in time accurate laminar reacting gas flow solvers}, Booktitle = {Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering}, Editor = {B. Koren and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 71}, Pages = {47--78}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2010} @Inproceedings{Oos10VMP, Author = {C. W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik and W.A. Mulder and R.-E. Plessix}, Title = {Shifted-Laplacian preconditioners for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems}, Booktitle = {Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering}, Editor = {B. Koren and C. Vuik}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 71}, Pages = {21--46}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2010} @Book{Kor10V, Author = {B. Koren and C. Vuik}, Title = {Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = 2010, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 71}, Address = {Berlin}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Article{Jon09aGVKS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and C.Vuik and C. Kasbergen and A. Scarpas}, Title = { Preconditioned conjugate gradient method enhanced by deflation of rigid body modes applied to composite materials}, Journal = {Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences}, Volume = 47, Year = 2009, Pages = {97--118} } @Article{Gee09RMSVBS, Author = {T. Geenen and M. ur Rehman and S.P. MacLachlan and G. Segal and C. Vuik and A. P. van den Berg and W. Spakman}, Title = {Scalable robust solvers for unstructured {FE} geodynamic modeling applications: {S}olving the {S}tokes equation for models with large localized viscosity contrasts }, Journal = {Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems }, Volume = 10, Year = 2009, Note = {doi:10.1029/2009GC002526}, Pages = {1--12} } @Article{Jav09VVZ, Author = {E. Javierre and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A mathematical analysis of physiological and morphological aspects of wound closure }, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, Volume = 59, Year = 2009, Pages = {605--630} } @Article{Vui09, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {Een kwart eeuw iteratieve methoden }, Journal = {Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5e serie}, Volume = 10, Year = 2009, Pages = {116--123} } @Techreport{Jon09GVKS, Author = {T.B. J\"onsth\"ovel and M.B. van Gijzen and C.Vuik and C. Kasbergen and A. Scarpas}, Title = {Preconditioned conjugate gradient method enhanced by deflation of rigid body modes applied to composite materials}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-08}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Sli09RV, Author = {P. van Slingerland and J. Ryan and C. Vuik}, Title = {Smoothness-Increasing Convergence-Conserving Spline Filters Applied to Streamline Visualisation of DG Approximations}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2009, Type = {Report}, Number = {09-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Ibr09VVH, Author = {Ibrahim and F.J. Vermolenand C. Vuik and D. Hegen}, Title = { Application of the density-enthalpy method to the multi-phase flow through a porous medium }, Booktitle = {Thermodynamics of phase changes, Namur, May 24-27, 2009}, Editor = {F. Dupret and M. Papalexandris}, Note = {CDROM}, Pages = {1--4}, Publisher = {Universit\'e catholique de Louvain}, Address = {Louvain}, Year = 2009 } @Article{Tan09NVE, Author = {J.M. Tang and R. Nabben and C. Vuik and Y.A. Erlangga}, Title = {Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners Derived from Deflation, Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods }, Journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, Volume = 39, Year = 2009, Pages = {340--370} } @Article{Vui09TN, Author = {C. Vuik and J.M. Tang and R. Nabben}, Title = {Projection acceleration of {K}rylov solvers }, Journal = {Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics}, Volume = 7, Year = 2007, Pages = {1020303--1020304} } @Inproceedings{Jav09VVWZ, Author = {E. Javierre and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Computing Interfaces in Diverse Applications}, Booktitle = {ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium: new computational challenges in materials, structures, and fluids}, Editor = {J. Eberhardsteiner and C. Hellmich and H.A. Mang and J. P\'eriaux}, Note = {Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 14}, Pages = {327--341}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2009} @Inproceedings{Wag09LHV, Author = {F. van Wageningen-Kessels and H. van Lint and S. Hoogendoorn and C. Vuik }, Title = {Implicit and explicit numerical methods for macroscopic traffic flow models}, Booktitle = {TRB 88th Annual Meeting, Compendium of papers DVD January 11-15 2009, Washington D.C.}, Editor = { }, Note = {}, Pages = {DVD}, Publisher = {Transportation Research Board of the National Academies}, Address = {Washington}, Year = 2009} @Article{Bru09SV, Author = {J.H. Brusche and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = {An efficient numerical method for solid-liquid transitions in optical rewritable recording }, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering}, Volume = 77, Year = 2009, Pages = {702--718} } @Article{Reh09VS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = { {SIMPLE}-type preconditioners for the {O}seen problem}, Journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids}, Volume = 61, Year = 2009, Pages = {432--452} @Article{Reh08cVS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = { Preconditioners for the steady incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes problem}, Journal = { International Journal of Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 38, Year = 2008, Pages = {223--232} } @Article{Mac08aTV, Author = {S.P. MacLachlan and J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Fast and Robust Solvers for Pressure Correction in Bubbly Flow Problems }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 227, Year = 2008, Pages = {9742--9761} } @InProceedings{Jav08VVZ, author = {E. Javierre and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, title = {Numerical Modelling of Epidermal Wound Healing}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2007, the 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications}, pages = {83--90}, year = {2008}, editor = {K. Kunisch and G. Of and O. Steinbach}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @Article{Kon08RLOV, Author = {A.V. Kononov and C.D. Riyanti and S.W. de Leeuw and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = {Numerical performance of a parallel solution method for a heterogeneous {2D H}elmholtz equation }, Journal = {Computing and Visualization in Science}, Volume = 11, Year = 2008, Pages = {139--146} } @Article{Pij08SVW, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = { Computing three-dimensional two-phase flows with a mass-conserving level-set method}, Journal = {Comput. Visual Sci.}, Volume = 11, Year = 2008, Pages = {221--235} } @Article{Reh08bVS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = { A comparison of preconditioners for incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes solvers}, Journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids}, Volume = 57, Year = 2008, Pages = {1731--1751} } @Techreport{Sli08BV, Author = {P. van Slingerland and M. Borsboom and C. Vuik}, Title = {A local theta scheme for advection problems with strongly varying meshes and velocity profiles }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-17}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Reh08aVS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = {Numerical solution techniques for the steady incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes problem}, Booktitle = {World Congress on Engineering 2008, London, U.K., 2-4 July, 2008, Volume II}, Editor = {S.I. Ao and L. Gelman and D.W.L. Hukins and A. Hunter and A.M. Korsunsky}, Note = {}, Pages = {844--848}, Publisher = {International Association of Engineers}, Address = {Hong Kong}, Year = 2008} @Techreport{Ibr08VVH, Author = {Ibrahim and C. Vuik and F. J. Vermolen and D. Hegen}, Title = { Numerical Methods for Industrial Flow Problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-13}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Tan08aV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Acceleration of preconditioned {K}rylov solvers for bubbly flow problems}, Booktitle = { Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 7th International Conference, PPAM 2007, Gdansk, Poland, September 9-12, 2007 }, Editor = {R. Wyrzykowski and J. Dongarra and K. Karczewski and J. Wasniewski }, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4967}, Pages = {1323--1332}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2008} @Techreport{Reh08VS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = {{SIMPLE}-type preconditioners for the {O}seen problem}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-09}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Nab08V, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {A comparison of abstract versions of deflation, balancing and additive coarse grid correction preconditioners }, Journal = {Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.}, Volume = 15, Year = 2008, Pages = {355--372} } @Techreport{Tan08MNV, Author = {J.M. Tang and S.P. MacLachlan and R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {Theoretical Comparison of Two-Level Preconditioners based on Multigrid and Deflation}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-5}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vel08aVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn }, Title = { A class of projected Newton methods to solve laminar reacting flow problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Jav07VVZ, Author = {E. Javierre and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { A mathematical approach to epidermal wound closure: Model Analysis and Computer Simulations }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-14}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Tan08V, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Fast Deflation methods with applications to two-phase flows}, Journal = {International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering}, Volume = 6, Year = 2008, Pages = {13--24} } @Article{Vel08VK, author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.~R. Kleijn }, title = {Comparison of {ODE} Methods for Laminar Reacting Gas Flow Simulations}, journal = {Num. Meth. Part. Diff. Eq.}, year = {2008}, volume = {24}, pages = {1037--1054} } @Techreport{Mac08TV, Author = {S.P. MacLachlan and J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = { Fast and Robust Solvers for Pressure Correction in Bubbly Flow Problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2008, Type = {Report}, Number = {08-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Reh07VS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = {Preconditioners for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-15}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Tan07dV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {New Variants of Deflation Techniques for Pressure Correction in Bubbly Flow Problems }, Journal = {Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 2, Year = 2007, Pages = {227--249} } @Article{Oom07VP, Author = {G. Ooms and C. Vuik and P. Poesio}, Title = {Core-annular flow through a horizontal pipe: Hydrodynamic counterbalancing of buoyancy force on core }, Journal = {Physics of fluids}, Volume = 19, Year = 2007, Pages = {092103-1--092103-17} } @Article{Gij07EV, Author = {M.B. van Gijzen and Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik }, Title = { Spectral Analysis of the Discrete {H}elmholtz Operator Preconditioned with a Shifted {L}aplacian}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, Volume = 29, Year = 2007, Pages = {1942--1958} } @Article{Tan07cV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Efficient Deflation Methods applied to {3-D} Bubbly Flow Problems }, Journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis}, Volume = 26, Year = 2007, Pages = {330--349} } @Techreport{Tan07bV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Fast deflation methods with applications to two-phase flows}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Vel07bVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn}, Title = {Numerical Methods for Reacting Gas Flow Simulations}, Journal = {International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering}, Volume = 5, Year = 2007, Pages = {1--10} } @Article{Vui93e, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {Some historical notes on the {S}tefan problem}, Journal = {Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vierde serie}, Volume = {11}, Pages = {157--167}, Year = 1993 } @Article{Vui93d, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {Further experiences with {GMRESR}}, Journal = {Supercomputer}, Volume = {55}, Pages = {13--27}, Year = 1993 } @Article{Ver07JVZZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and E. Javierre and C. Vuik and L. Zhao and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A three-dimensional model for particle dissolution in binary alloys }, Journal = {Computational Materials Science }, Volume = 39, Year = 2007, Pages = {767--774} } @Article{Vel07aVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn}, Title = {Comparison of numerical methods for transient {CVD} simulations }, Journal = {Surface and Coatings Technology}, Volume = 201, Year = 2007, Pages = {8859--8862} } @Techreport{Ide07V, Author = {R. Idema and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Minimal Residual Method for Shifted Skew-Symmetric Systems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-09}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Dij06VK, Author = {W.O. Dijkstra and C. Vuik and L. Katgerman}, Title = { Network model of fluid flow in semi-solid {A}luminum alloys}, Journal = {Computational Materials Science }, Volume = {38}, Year = 2006, Pages = {67--74} } @Inproceedings{Tan07aV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Acceleration of Preconditioned Krylov Solvers for Bubbly Flow Problems}, Booktitle = {Computational Science - ICCS 2007 7th International Conference, Beijing China, May 27-30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I}, Editor = {Y. Shi, G.D.v. Albada and J. Dongarra}, Note = {}, Pages = {603--614}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 4487}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2007} @Article{Tan07V, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = { On deflation and singular symmetric positive semi-definite matrices}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 206, Year = 2007, Pages = {603--614} } @Article{Riy07KEVOPM, Author = {C.D. Riyanti and A. Kononov and Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C. Oosterlee and R.-E. Plessix and W.A. Mulder}, Title = { A parallel multigrid-based preconditioner for the 3{D} heterogeneous high-frequency {H}elmholtz equation}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 224, Year = 2007, Pages = {431--448} } @Article{Jav07VVS, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and A. Segal}, Title = {A level set method for three dimensional vector {S}tefan problems: Dissolution of stoichiometric particles in multi-component alloys }, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics }, Volume = 224, Year = 2007, Pages = {222--240} } @Techreport{Vel07VK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn }, Title = {Transient Chemical Vapor Deposition Simulations}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-08}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Tan07NVE, Author = {J.M. Tang and R. Nabben and C. Vuik and Y.A. Erlangga}, Title = { Theoretical and numerical comparison of various projection methods derived from deflation, domain decomposition and multigrid methods }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui07, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = { The {\it Stadyc} model for the movement of a ship by Multi Thrusters }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui07B, Author = {C. Vuik and I. Benchev}, Title = { The static model for the Multi Thruster Control System without constraints }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-02}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Nab07V, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = { A comparison of abstract versions of deflation, balancing and additive coarse grid correction preconditioners }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2007, Type = {Report}, Number = {07-01}, Address = {Delft} } Author = {F.J. Vermolen and P.L.J. Zitha and C. Vuik}, Title = {Deflation Accelerated Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method in Finite Element Methods in Oil Reservoirs}, Booktitle = {10th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4 - 7 September 2006}, Editor = {J.D. Janssen }, Note = {}, Publisher = {EAGE}, Address = {Houten}, Year = 2006} @Article{Kui04VVZ, Author = {N.C.W. Kuijpers and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { Predicting the Effect of Alloy Composition on the Intermetallic Phase Transformation Kinetics in 6XXX Extrusion Alloys }, Journal = {Materials Forum }, Volume = 28, Year = 2004, Pages = {1040--1045} } @Techreport{Gij06EV, Author = {M.B. van Gijzen and Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik }, Title = { Spectral analysis of the discrete {H}elmholtz operator preconditioned with a shifted {L}aplacian }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-16}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vel06cVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn }, Title = { A Note on the Numerical Simulation of {K}leijn's Benchmark Problem }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-15}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Tan06cV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = { New Variants of Deflation Techniques for Bubbly Flow Problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-14}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Bru06aSUV, author = {J.H. Brusche and A. Segal and H.P. Urbach and C. Vuik}, Title = { A Comparison of an enthalpy and a temperature method for melting problems on composite domains}, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Nab06aV, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {Domain decomposition methods and deflated {K}rylov subspace iterations}, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Tan06bV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Deflated {ICCG} Method solving the Singular and Discontinuous Diffusion Equation derived from {3-D} Multi-Phase Flows}, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Vel06bVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn}, Title = {Numerical Methods for Reacting Gas Flow Simulations}, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Ver06PVZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and P. Pinson and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A suite of sharp interface models for solid-state transformations in alloys}, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Jav06aVVSZ, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and A. Segal and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Higher dimensional numerical simulations of precipitate dissolution in multi-component aluminium alloys }, Booktitle = {European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006 }, Editor = {P. Wesseling and E. Onate and J. Periaux }, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006} @Inproceedings{Vui06NT, Author = {C. Vuik and R. Nabben and J. Tang}, Title = {Deflation acceleration for domain decomposition preconditioners}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European Multigrid Conference September 27-30, 2005 Scheveningen The Hague, The Netherlands}, Editor = {P. Wesseling and C.W. Oosterlee and P. Hemker}, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006 } @Inproceedings{Kon06LROV, Author = {A.V. Kononov and S.W. de Leeuw and C.D. Riyanti and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = {Numerical performance of a parallel solution method for a heterogeneous {2D H}elmholtz equation }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European Multigrid Conference September 27-30, 2005 Scheveningen The Hague, The Netherlands}, Editor = {P. Wesseling and C.W. Oosterlee and P. Hemker}, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006 } @Inproceedings{Erl06aVO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = {A Semicoarsening-based Multigrid Preconditioner for {3D} Inhomogeneous {H}elmholtz Equations}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European Multigrid Conference September 27-30, 2005 Scheveningen The Hague, The Netherlands}, Editor = {P. Wesseling and C.W. Oosterlee and P. Hemker}, Note = {}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2006 } @InProceedings{Jav06VVSZ, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and A. Segal and S. van der Zwaag}, title = {The level set method for solid-solid phase transformations}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, the 6th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications}, pages = {712--719}, year = {2006}, editor = {A. Berm\'{u}dez de Castro and D. G\'{o}mez and P. Quintela and P.Salgado}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @InProceedings{Bru06SUV, author = {J.H. Brusche and A. Segal and H.P. Urbach and C. Vuik}, title = {Towards solving a moving boundary problem within a multi-layered recording stack}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, the 6th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications}, pages = {585--592}, year = {2006}, editor = {A. Berm\'{u}dez de Castro and D. G\'{o}mez and P. Quintela and P.Salgado}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer} } @Inproceedings{Tan06aV, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {Deflated {ICCG} method applied on {3-D} multi-phase flows}, Booktitle = {Extended Abstracts, ICNAAM 2006, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics}, Editor = {T.E. Simos and G. Psihoyios and Ch. Tsitouras}, Note = {}, Pages = {323--326}, Publisher = {Wiley}, Address = {Weinheim}, Year = 2006} @Article{Riy06EPMVO, Author = {C.D. Riyanti and Y.A. Erlangga and R.-E. Plessix and W.A. Mulder and C. Vuik and C. Oosterlee}, Title = { A new iterative solver for the time-harmonic wave equation}, Journal = {Geophysics}, Volume = 71, Year = 2006, Pages = {E57--E63} } @Article{Erl05VO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = {On a robust iterative method for heterogeneous {H}elmholtz problems for geophysics applications}, Journal = {International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling}, Volume = 2, Year = 2005, Pages = {197--208} } @Book{Vui06BVK, Author = {C. Vuik and P. van Beek and F. Vermolen and J. van Kan}, Title = {Numerieke Methoden voor Differentiaalvergelijkingen}, Publisher = {VSSD}, Year = 2006, Series = {}, Address = {Delft}, Month = {}, Note = {}} @Techreport{Bru06aSV, Author = {J.H. Brusche and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = { Towards solving a moving boundary problem within a multi-layered recording stack }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-12}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Pij06SV, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling of three-dimensional multi-phase flows with a mass-conserving level-set method}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Vel06aVK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn}, Title = {Numerical Methods for Reacting Gas Flow Simulations}, Booktitle = { Computational Science--ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006. Proceedings, Part II }, Editor = {Vassil N. Alexandrov and Geert Dick van Albada and Peter M.A. Sloot and Jack Dongarra}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3992}, Pages = {10--17}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2006} @Techreport{Bru06SV, Author = {J.H. Brusche and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = { A study of enthalpy methods for mark formation modeling }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-04}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Tan06V, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = { An Efficient Deflation Method applied on 2-{D} and 3-{D} Bubbly Flow Problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vel06VK, Author = {S. van Veldhuizen and C. Vuik and C.R. Kleijn }, Title = { Numerical Methods for {CVD} Simulation }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-07}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Reh06VS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = { Solution of the incompressible {N}avier {S}tokes equations with preconditioned {K}rylov subspace methods }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-05}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Reh06aVS, Author = {M. ur Rehman and C. Vuik and G. Segal}, Title = { Study Report of {IFISS P}ackage (version 2.1) }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2006, Type = {Report}, Number = {06-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Jav06VVZ, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A comparison of models for one-dimensional {S}tefan problems }, Journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.}, Volume = 192, Year = 2006, Pages = {445--459} } @Article{Erl06VO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = {Comparison of multigrid and incomplete {LU} shifted-{L}aplace preconditioners for the inhomogeneous {H}elmholtz equation }, Journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, Volume = 56, Year = 2006, Pages = {648--666} } @Article{Nab06V, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {A Comparison of Deflation and the Balancing Preconditioner }, Journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, Volume = 27, Year = 2006, Pages = {1742--1759} } @Article{Erl06OV, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = { A Novel Multigrid Based Preconditioner For Heterogeneous {H}elmholtz Problems}, Journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, Volume = 27, Year = 2006, Pages = {1471--1492} } @Inproceedings{Dec05, Author = {P. den Decker and H. Knoester and H. Meerman and K. Dekker and W. van Horssen and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling and G. Prokert and B. van 't Hof and F. van Beckum}, Title = {The rotor spinning process for fibre production}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 15-19 March 2004}, Editor = {C. Kraaikamp and H.X. Lin and C.W. Oosterlee}, Note = {}, Pages = {35--48}, Publisher = {Delft University Press}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2005} @Techreport{Jav05VVS, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and A. Segal}, Title = { A level set method for particle dissolution in a binary alloy}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2005, Type = {Report}, Number = {05-07}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Dij05VK, Author = {W.O. Dijkstra and C. Vuik and L. Katgerman}, Title = { A direct method of solidification for the enhancement of mushy zone network models}, Journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, Volume = {413-414}, Year = 2005, Pages = {255--258} } @Inproceedings{Pij05SV, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling of three-dimensional bubbly flows with a mass-conserving level-set method}, Booktitle = {Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2005 MIT Conference Proceedings}, Editor = {K.J. Bathe}, Note = {}, Pages = {905--909}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Year = 2005} @Article{Ver05VJZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and E. Javierre and S. van der Zwaag.}, Title = { Review on some {S}tefan Problems for Particle Dissolution}, Journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control}, Volume = 10, Year = 2005, Pages = {257--292} } @Techreport{Tan05V, Author = {J.M. Tang and C. Vuik}, Title = {On the theory of deflation and singular symmetric positive semi-definite matrices}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2005, Type = {Report}, Number = {05-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Erl04VOPM, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee and R.E. Plessix and W.A. Mulder}, Title = { A robust iterative solver for the two-way wave equation based on a complex shifted-Laplace operator }, Booktitle = {SEG International Exposition and Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, October 10-15, 2004}, Editor = { Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting}, Note = {}, Pages = {1897--1900}, Publisher = {Society of Exploration Geophysicists}, Address = {Tulsa}, Year = 2004} @Techreport{Jav05VVZ, Author = {E. Javierre and C. Vuik and F.J. Vermolen and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { A comparison of models for one-dimensional {S}tefan problems }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics}, Year = 2005, Type = {Report}, Number = {05-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Ver05VPT, Author = {J. Verkaik and C. Vuik and B.D. Paarhuis and A. Twerda}, Title = {The Deflation Accelerated {S}chwarz Method for {CFD}}, Booktitle = {Computational Science-ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 22-25, 2005, Proceedings, Part I}, Editor = {V.S. Sunderam and G.D. van Albada and P.M.A. Sloot and J.J. Dongarra}, Note = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3514}, Pages = {868--875}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2005} @Article{Kui05VVKNZ, Author = {N.C.W. Kuijpers and F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and P.T.G. Koenis and K.E. Nilsen and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {The dependence of the $\beta$-{AlFeSi} to $\alpha$-{Al(FeMn)Si} transformation kinetics in {Al-Mg-Si} alloys on the alloying elements }, Journal = { Materials Science and Engineering A}, Volume = 394, Year = 2005, Pages = {9--19} } @Article{Nab04aV, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = {A comparison of {D}eflation and {C}oarse {G}rid {C}orrection applied to porous media flow }, Journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, Volume = 42, Year = 2004, Pages = {1631--1647} } @Article{Pij05SVW, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A mass-conserving {L}evel-{S}et method for modelling of multi-phase flows}, Journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids}, Volume = 47, Year = 2005, Pages = {339--361}} @Article{Ver05V, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Solution of vector {S}tefan problems with cross-diffusion }, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Volume = 176, Year = 2005, Pages = {179--201} } @Article{Ver05VZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Cross-diffusion controlled particle dissolution in metallic alloys }, Journal = {Computing and Visualization in Science}, Volume = 8, Year = 2005, Pages = {27--33} } @Techreport{Nab04V, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = { A comparison of {D}eflation and the balancing {N}eumann-{N}eumann preconditioner }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2004, Type = {Report}, Number = {04-09}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Bro04VMM, Author = {P. Broomans and C. Vuik and A.E. Mynett and J. Mooiman}, Title = {Numerical accuracy in solution of the shallow-water equations}, Booktitle = {Selected papers of the International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Delft, June 16-18, 2003}, Editor = {G.H. Jirka and W.S.J. Uijttewaal}, Note = {}, Pages = {527--534}, Publisher = {A.A. Balkema}, Address = {Leiden}, Year = 2004} @Techreport{Erl04OV, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C.W. Oosterlee and C. Vuik}, Title = { A Novel Multigrid Based Preconditioner For Heterogeneous {H}elmholtz Problems}, Institution = {Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2004, Type = {Report}, Number = {04-05}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Ver04aVS, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik and A. Segal}, Title = {Deflation accelerated parallel preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method in Finite Element problems}, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003 the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Prague, August 2003}, Editor = {M. Feistauer and V. Dolej\v{s}\'{i} and P. Knobloch and K. Najzar}, Note = {}, Pages = {825--833}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2004} @Inproceedings{Pij04aSV, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = {Modelling of multi-phase flows with a level-set method }, Booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003 the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Prague, August 2003}, Editor = {M. Feistauer and V. Dolej\v{s}\'{i} and P. Knobloch and K. Najzar}, Note = {}, Pages = {698--707}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2004} Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = { Numerical solution of vector {S}tefan problems with cross-diffusion }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4$^{th}$ European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Volume I, ECCOMAS 2004, Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland, July 24-28, 2004}, Editor = {P. Neittaanm\"aki and T. Rossi and K. Majava and O. Pironneau}, Note = {ISBN 951-39-1868-8}, Pages = {CD}, Publisher = {University of Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Year = 2004} @Inproceedings{Pij04SV, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = { Modelling of three-dimensional bubbly flows with a mass-conserving level-set method }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4$^{th}$ European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Volume II, ECCOMAS 2004, Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland, July 24-28, 2004}, Editor = {P. Neittaanm\"aki and T. Rossi and S. Korotov and E. O\~nate and J. P\'eriaux and D. Kn\"orzer }, Note = {ISBN 951-39-1869-6}, Pages = {CD}, Publisher = {University of Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Year = 2004} @Inproceedings{Li04aV, Author = {C. Li and C. Vuik}, Title = {The {GCR-SIMPLE} solver and the {SIMPLE}-type preconditioning for incompressible {N}avier {S}tokes equations}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4$^{th}$ European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Volume II, ECCOMAS 2004, Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland, July 24-28, 2004}, Editor = {P. Neittaanm\"aki and T. Rossi and S. Korotov and E. O\~nate and J. P\'eriaux and D. Kn\"orzer }, Note = {ISBN 951-39-1869-6}, Pages = {CD}, Publisher = {University of Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a}, Year = 2004} @Article{Erl04VO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = { On a class of preconditioners for solving the {H}elmholtz equation}, Journal = {Appl. Num. Math.}, Volume = 50, Year = 2004, Pages = {409--425} } @Incollection{Ver04VS, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik and A. Segal}, Title = {Deflation in preconditioned Conjugate Gradient methods for finite element problems}, Booktitle = {Conjugate Gradient and Finite {E}lement {M}ethods}, Editor = {M. K\u{r}i\u{z}ek and P. Neittaanm\"{a}ki and R. Glowinski and S. Korotov}, Pages = {103--129}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2004 } @Article{Li04V, Author = {C. Li and C. Vuik}, Title = {Eigenvalue analysis of the {SIMPLE} preconditioning for incompressible flow }, Journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications}, Volume = 11, Year = 2004, Pages = {511--523} } @Inproceedings{Ver04KVZKN, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and N. Kuijpers and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag and P.T.G. Koenis and K.E. Nilsen}, Title = {A model of the $\beta$-{AlFeSi} to $\alpha$-{Al(FeMn)Si} transformation during homogenization in 6xxx Alloys}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the eigth intenational Aluminum extrusion technology seminar, Exploring Innovations, Volume II, May 18-21, 2004 Orlando}, Editor = {G.T. Rajsky}, Note = {}, Pages = {57--65}, Publisher = {ET Foundation}, Address = { Wauconda}, Year = 2004} @Inproceedings{Dij04VDK, Author = {W.O. Dijkstra and C. Vuik and A.J. Dammers and L. Katgerman}, Title = {Network Modeling of Liquid Metal Transport in Solidifying Aluminum Alloys}, Booktitle = {Solidification processes and microstructures: a symposium in honor of Wilfried Kurz, 2004 TMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, March 14-18, 2004}, Editor = {M. Rappaz and C. Beckerman and R. Trivedi}, Note = {}, Pages = {151--156}, Publisher = {TMS}, Address = {Warrendale}, Year = 2004} @Techreport{Vui03EO, Author = {C. Vuik and Y.A. Erlangga and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = { Shifted {L}aplace preconditioners for the {H}elmholtz equations}, Institution = {Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-18}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Bro03VMM, Author = {P. Broomans and C. Vuik and A.E. Mynett and J. Mooiman}, Title = {Numerical accuracy in solution of the shallow-water equations}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Delft, June 16-18, 2003}, Editor = {G.H. Jirka and W.S.J. Uijttewaal}, Note = {}, Pages = {71--77}, Publisher = {TU Delft}, Address = {Delft}, Year = 2003} @Techreport{Ver03V, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {Solution of vector {S}tefan problems with cross-diffusion}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-14}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Kui03VVZ, Author = {N.C.W. Kuijpers and F.J. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A model of the beta-{AlFeSi} to alpha-{Al(FeMn)Si} transformation in {Al-Mg-Si} alloys }, Journal = {Materials Transactions}, Volume = 44, Year = 2003, Pages = {1448--1456} } @Inproceedings{Erl03aVO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = {On a class of preconditioners for solving the discrete {H}elmholtz equation}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Held at Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland, 30 June - 4 July, 2003}, Editor = {G.C. Cohen and E. Heikkola and P. Joly and P. Neittaanm\"aki}, Note = {}, Pages = {788--793}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2003} @Techreport{Nab03V, Author = {R. Nabben and C. Vuik}, Title = { A comparison of Deflation and Coarse Grid Correction applied to porous media flow }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-10}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Li03V, Author = {Chunguang Li and Kees Vuik}, Title = { Some Results on the Eigenvalue Analysis of a {SIMPLER} Preconditioned Matrix }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-08}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Pij03SV, Author = {S.P. van der Pijl and A. Segal and C. Vuik}, Title = {A mass conserving level set (MCLS) method for modeling of multi-phase flows}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Heu03VW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A Conservative Pressure Correction Method for Flow at All Speeds}, Journal = {Computers and Fluids}, Volume = 32, Year = 2003, Pages = {1113--1132} } @Article{Ver03VZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Particle dissolution and cross-diffusion in multi-component alloys }, Journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, Volume = 347, Year = 2003, Pages = {265--279} } @Techreport{Erl03VO, Author = {Y.A. Erlangga and C. Vuik and C.W. Oosterlee}, Title = { On a class of preconditioners for solving the {H}elmholtz equation}, Institution = {Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2003, Type = {Report}, Number = {03-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Li02V, Author = {Chunguang Li and Kees Vuik}, Title = { Eigenvalue Analysis of the {SIMPLE} Preconditioning for Incompressible Flow }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2002, Type = {Report}, Number = {02-15}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Ver02V, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {A numerical method to compute up-flowing salty water in a porous medium}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications, September 20-22, 2001, Athens, Hellas}, Editor = {E.A. Lipitakis}, Note = {}, Pages = {550--556}, Publisher = {LEA}, Address = {Athens}, Year = 2002} @Article{Heu02VW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A Conservative Pressure Correction Method for the {E}uler and Ideal {MHD} Equations at All Speeds}, Journal = {Int. J. for Num. Meth. Fluids}, Volume = 40, Year = 2002, Pages = {521--529} } @Techreport{Vui02S, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Saghir}, Title = { The {K}rylov accelerated {SIMPLE(R)} method for incompressible flow }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2002, Type = {Report}, Number = {02-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Vui02FV, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank and F.J. Vermolen}, Title = {Parallel {D}eflated {K}rylov methods for incompressible flow}, Booktitle = {Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Practice and Theory, Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2001 Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, May 21-23,2001}, Editor = {P. Wilders and A. Ecer and J. Periaux and N. Satofuka and P. Fox }, Note = {ISBN 0-444-50672-1 }, Pages = {381--388}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Year = 2002} @Inproceedings{Wil02BDHNPV, Author = {P. Wilders and B.J. Boersma and J.J. Derksen and A.W. Heemink and B. Niceno and M. Pourquie and C. Vuik}, Title = {An overview of {ParCFD} activities at {D}elft {U}niversity of {T}echnology}, Booktitle = {Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Practice and Theory, Proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2001 Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, May 21-23,2001}, Editor = {P. Wilders and A. Ecer and J. Periaux and N. Satofuka and P. Fox }, Note = {ISBN 0-444-50672-1 }, Pages = {3--20}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Year = 2002} @Article{Vui02SYD, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and L. El Yaakoubi and E. Dufour}, Title = {A comparison of various deflation vectors applied to elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients }, Journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, Volume = 41, Year = 2002, Pages = {219--233} } @Article{Ver02VZ, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A mathematical model for the dissolution of stoichiometric particles in multi-component alloys }, Journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, Volume = 328, Year = 2002, Pages = {14--25} } @Inproceedings{Heu01bVW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A staggered scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws applied to computation of flow with cavitation}, Booktitle = {Godunov Methods: Theory and Applications, October 18-22, 1999, Oxford}, Editor = {E.F. Toro}, Note = {}, Pages = {969--976}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic}, Address = {New York}, Year = 2001} @Techreport{Ver01aVS, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Some mathematical aspects op particle dissolution and cross-diffusion in multi-component alloys}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2001, Type = {Report}, Number = {01-15}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Heu01aVW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A Conservative Pressure Correction Method for the {E}uler and Ideal {MHD} Equations at All Speeds }, Booktitle = {Numerical Methodes for Fluid Dynamics VII, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, March 2001, Oxford }, Editor = {M.J. Baines}, Note = {}, Pages = {337--345}, Publisher = {ICFD, Oxford University Computing Laboratory}, Address = {Oxford}, Year = 2001} @Inproceedings{Til01VZ, Author = {W. van Til and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Moving boundaries in solid state aluminium alloys}, Booktitle = {Proceedings Moving Boundaries VI: computational modelling of free and moving boundary problems Lemnos, Greece, May 9-11, 2001}, Editor = {B. Sarler and C.A. Brebbia}, Note = {}, Pages = {123--132}, Publisher = {WIT Press}, Address = {Ashurst}, Year = 2001} @Article{Vui01FS, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank and A. Segal}, Title = {A parallel block-preconditioned GCR method for incompressible flow problems }, Journal = {Future Generation Systems}, Volume = 18, Year = 2001, Pages = {31--40} } @Article{Heu01VW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Stability analysis of segregated solution methods for compressible flow }, Journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, Volume = 38, Year = 2001, Pages = {257--274} } @Article{Vui01SMW, Author = { C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink and G.T. Wijma}, Title = {The construction of projection vectors for a {D}eflated {ICCG} method applied to problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Volume = 172, Year = 2001, Pages = {426--450} } @Article{Wil01aBDHNPV, Author = {P. Wilders and B.J. Boersma and J.J. Derksen and A.W. Heemink and B. Niceno and M. Pourquie and C. Vuik}, Title = {Parallel computational fluid dynamics at {D}elft {U}niversity; some examples}, Journal = {ERCOFTAC Bulletin}, Volume = 50, Year = 2001, Pages = {40--48} } @Inproceedings{Wil01BDHNPV, Author = {P. Wilders and B.J. Boersma and J.J. Derksen and A.W. Heemink and B. Niceno and M. Pourquie and C. Vuik}, Title = {Parallel computational fluid dynamics at {D}elft {U}niversity; some examples}, Booktitle = {Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2001, Swansea, Wales, UK, September 4-7, 2001}, Editor = {K. Morgan and N.P. Weatherill }, Note = {ISBN 0-905-091-12-4 }, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {IMA}, Address = {Swansea}, Year = 2001} @Techreport{Ver01V, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {The influence of deflation vectors at interfaces on the deflated {C}onjugate {G}radient method}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2001, Type = {Report}, Number = {01-13}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Fra01V, Author = {J. Frank and C. Vuik}, Title = {On the construction of deflation-based preconditioners }, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, Volume = 23, Year = 2001, Pages = {442--462} } @Article{Vui01F, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank}, Title = { Coarse grid acceleration of a parallel block preconditioner}, Journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, Volume = 17, Year = 2001, Pages = {933--940} } @Article{Vee00VB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {Branch switching techniques for bifurcation in soil deformation }, Journal = {Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering}, Volume = 190, Year = 2000, Pages = {707--719} } @Article{Ver00V, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {A mathematical model for the dissolution of particles in multi-component alloys }, Journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.}, Volume = 126, Year = 2000, Pages = {233--254} } @Techreport{Vui01SYD, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and L. El Yaakoubi and E. Dufour}, Title = {A comparison of various deflation vectors applied to elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2001, Type = {Report}, Number = {01-03}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ver01VS, Author = {F. Vermolen and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A mathematical model for the dissolution of stoichiometric particles in multi-component alloys}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2001, Type = {Report}, Number = {01-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Heu00bVW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Efficient computation of flow with cavitation with compressible pressure correction }, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2000, Type = {Report}, Number = {00-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Heu00aVW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Segregated solution methods for compressible flow}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2000, Type = {Report}, Number = {00-06}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Til00aVZ, Author = {W. van Til and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Comparison of Particle Dissolution Modules in AlStruc (Sintef) and Homog (TUDelft)}, Institution = {Netherlands Institute for Metals Research }, Year = 2000, Type = {Technical Report}, Number = {P.00.4.006}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Wes00aHV, Author = {P. Wesseling and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = {Uniformly effective numerical methods for hyperbolic systems}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress 2000. Lausanne, August 2000}, Editor = {M. Deville and R. Owens}, Note = {ISBN 3-9522075-1-9}, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {Rutgers University}, Address = {New Brunswick}, Year = 2000} @Inproceedings{Vui00aF, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank}, Title = {Deflated {ICCG} method applied to problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress 2000. Lausanne, August 2000}, Editor = {M. Deville and R. Owens}, Note = {ISBN 3-9522075-1-9}, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {Rutgers University}, Address = {New Brunswick}, Year = 2000} @Article{Kan00VW, Author = {J. van Kan and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Fast pressure calculation for {2D} and {3D} time dependent incompressible flow }, Journal = {Num. Lin. Alg. with Appl.}, Volume = 7, Year = 2000, Pages = {429--447} } @Article{Vui00SB, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Saghir and G.P. Boerstoel}, Title = {The {K}rylov accelerated {SIMPLE(R)} method for flow problems in industrial furnaces}, Journal = {Int. J. for Num. Meth. Fluids}, Volume = 33, Year = 2000, Pages = {1027--1040} } @Article{Vui00SV, Author = {C. Vuik and G. Segal and F.J. Vermolen}, Title = {A conserving discretization for a {S}tefan problem with an interface reaction at the free boundary}, Journal = {Comput. Visual Sci.}, Volume = 3, Year = 2000, Pages = {109--114} } @Inproceedings{Heu00VW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Efficient computation of flow with cavitation by compressible pressure correction}, Booktitle = {Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, September 11-14, 2000}, Editor = {E. Onate, G. Bugeda and B. Suarez }, Note = {ISBN 84-89925-70-4}, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2000} @Inproceedings{Wes00HV, Author = {P. Wesseling and D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik}, Title = { Unified methods for computing compressible and incompressible flows}, Booktitle = {Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, September 11-14, 2000}, Editor = {E. Onate, G. Bugeda and B. Suarez }, Note = {ISBN 84-89925-70-4}, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2000} @Inproceedings{Vui00KW, Author = {C. Vuik and J.J.I.M. van Kan and P. Wesseling}, Title = { A black box multigrid preconditioner for second order elliptic partial differential equations}, Booktitle = {Proceedings European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, Spain, September 11-14, 2000}, Editor = {E. Onate, G. Bugeda and B. Suarez }, Note = {ISBN 84-89925-70-4}, Pages = {CDROM}, Publisher = {CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 2000} @Inproceedings{Vui00SMF, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink and J. Frank}, Title = {{D}eflated {ICCG} applied to problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Booktitle = {Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain, Colorado, April 2 - April 7, 2000}, Editor = {T.A. Manteuffel and S.F. McCormick}, Note = {}, Publisher = {}, Address = {}, Year = 2000 } @Inproceedings{Vui00F, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank}, Title = {A parallel block preconditioner accelerated by coarse grid correction}, Booktitle = {High-Performance Computing and Networking, Proceeding of the 8th International Conference, HPCN Europe 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-10, 2000}, Editor = {M. Bubak and H. Afsarmanesh and R. Williams and B. Hertzberger}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1823}, Pages = {99--108}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 2000} @Techreport{Vui00SMW, Author = { C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink and G.T. Wijma}, Title = {The construction of projection vectors for a {D}eflated {ICCG} method applied to problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Institution = {Shell }, Year = 2000, Type = {Report}, Number = {EP2000-8019}, Address = {Rijswijk}} @Techreport{Fra00V, Author = {J. Frank and C. Vuik}, Title = {On the construction of deflation-based preconditioners}, Institution = {CWI }, Year = 2000, Type = {MAS-R}, Number = {0009}, Address = {Amsterdam}} @Article{Vee99aVB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and C. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {An eigenvalue analysis of nonassociated plasticity }, Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, Volume = 38, Year = 1999, Pages = {107--115} } @Article{Vee99bVB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {The relation between numerical and material stress states }, Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, Volume = 38, Year = 1999, Pages = {245--249} } @Techreport{Til00VZ, Author = {W. van Til and C. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {An Inventory of Numerical Methods to model Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Aluminum Alloys (A literature review)}, Institution = {Netherlands Institute for Metals Research }, Year = 2000, Type = {Technical Report}, Number = {P.00.4.001}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vui00FS, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank and A. Segal}, Title = {A parallel block-preconditioned {GCR} method for incompressible flow problems}, Institution = { Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematical Analysis}, Year = 2000, Type = {Report}, Number = {00-01}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Heu99VW, Author = {D.R. van der Heul and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {A staggered scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws applied to unsteady sheet cavitation }, Journal = {Computing and Visualization in Science}, Volume = 2, Year = 1999, Pages = {63--68} } @Inproceedings{Vee99VB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {Loss of stability, bifurcation and branch switching in soil plasticity}, Booktitle = { Proceedings of the fourth international conference on recent advances in numerical methods and applications II, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-23 August, 1998}, Editor = {O.P. Iliev and M.S. Kaschiev and S.D. Margenov and Bl.H. Sendov and P.S. Vassilevski}, Note = {}, Pages = {611--618}, Publisher = {World Scientific}, Address = {Singapore}, Year = 1999 } @Article{Ver99V, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik}, Title = {A vector valued {S}tefan problem from aluminium industry }, Journal = {Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 4e serie}, Volume = 17, Year = 1999, Pages = {205--217} } @Inproceedings{Ver99VZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {An asymptotic solution for the dissolution of particles in multi-component alloys}, Booktitle = {Workshop on phase change with convection modelling and validation, June 24-26, 1999, Warsaw, Poland}, Editor = {T.A. Kowalewski and F. Stella and J. Banaszek and J.S. Szmyd}, Note = {}, Pages = {155--159}, Publisher = {Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polskiej Akademii Nauk}, Address = {Warsaw}, Year = 1999} @Article{Vui99SM, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink}, Title = { An efficient preconditioned {CG} method for the solution of a class of layered problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Journal = {J. Comp. Phys.}, Volume = 152, Year = 1999, Pages = {385--403} } @Inproceedings{Vui99SMW, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink and G.T. Wijma}, Title = {The construction of projection vectors for a deflated { ICCG} method used in problems with a layered structure}, Booktitle = {1999 International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications, Minneapolis, USA, June 10-12, 1999}, Editor = {Y. Saad and D. Pierce and W.P. Tang}, Note = {}, Pages = {225--231}, Publisher = {University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute}, Address = {Minneapolis}, Year = 1999} @Article{Fra99V, Author = {J. Frank and C. Vuik}, Title = {Parallel implementation of a multiblock method with approximate subdomain solution }, Journal = {Appl. Num. Math.}, Volume = 30, Year = 1999, Pages = {403--423} } @Inproceedings{Vui99F, Author = {C. Vuik and J. Frank}, Title = {A parallel implementation of the block preconditioned {GCR} method}, Booktitle = {High-Performance Computing and Networking, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference, HPCN Europe 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 12-14, 1999}, Editor = {P. Sloot and M. Bubak and A. Hoekstra and B. Hertzberger}, Note = {}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1593}, Pages = {1052--1060}, Publisher = {Springer}, Address = {Berlin}, Year = 1999} @Techreport{Vui99SV, Author = {C. Vuik and G. Segal and F.J. Vermolen}, Title = {A conserving discretization for a {S}tefan problem with an interface reaction at the free boundary}, Institution = {CWI }, Year = 1999, Type = {MAS-R}, Number = {9904}, Address = {Amsterdam} } @Techreport{Vui99SB, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Saghir and G.P. Boerstoel}, Title = {The {K}rylov accelerated {SIMPLE(R)} method for flow problems in industrial furnaces}, Institution = {TNO }, Year = 1999, Type = {FSP-RPT-}, Number = {990010}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Ver98bV, Author = {F.J. Vermolen and C. Vuik}, Title = {A mathematical model for the dissolution of particles in multi-component alloys}, Institution = {CWI }, Year = 1998, Type = {MAS-R}, Number = {9822}, Address = {Amsterdam} } @Article{Vui98NW, Author = {C. Vuik and R.R.P. van Nooyen and P. Wesseling}, Title = { Parallelism in {ILU}-preconditioned {GMRES}}, Journal = {Paral. Comp.}, Volume = 24, Year = 1998, Pages = {1927--1946} } @Article{Ver98bVZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A mathematical model for the dissolution kinetics of {M}g$_2${S}i-phases in {Al-Mg-Si} alloys during homogenisation under industrial conditions}, Journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, Volume = 254, Year = 1998, Pages = {13--32}} @Inproceedings{Vui98N, Author = {Kees Vuik and Ronald R.P. van Nooyen}, Title = {A parallel {ILU}-preconditioner}, Booktitle = {Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation, Proceeding of the Third IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA - July 9-12, 1997}, Editor = {Junping Wang and Myron B. Allen III and Benito M. Chen and Tarek Mathew}, Serie = {IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics Volume 4}, Note = {}, Pages = {399--405}, Publisher = {IMACS}, Address = {New Brunswick}, Year = 1998} @Article{Ver98aVZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { Modelling the microstructural changes during the homogenisation of extrudable {A}luminium alloys}, Journal = {Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials}, Volume = 9, Year = 1998, Pages = {115--120} } @Techreport{Ver98aV, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik}, Title = {A vector valued Stefan problem from aluminium industry}, Institution = {CWI }, Year = 1998, Type = {MAS-R}, Number = {9814}, Address = {Amsterdam} } @Article{Ver98V, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik}, Title = { A numerical method to compute the dissolution of second phases in ternary alloys}, Journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.}, Volume = 93, Year = 1998, Pages = {123--143} } @Techreport{Vui98SM, Author = {C. Vuik and A. Segal and J.A. Meijerink}, Title = {An efficient preconditioned CG method for the solution of layered problems with extreme contrasts in the coefficients}, Institution = {Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1998, Type = {Report}, Number = {98-20}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Ver98VZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = { The dissolution of a stoichiometric second phase in ternary alloys: {A} numerical study}, Journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, Volume = 246, Year = 1998, Pages = {93--103} } @Article{Bra98VW, Author = {E. Brakkee and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = { Domain decomposition for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations: solving subdomain problems accurately and inaccurately}, Journal = {Int. J. for Num. Meth. Fluids}, Volume = 26, Year = 1998, Pages = {1217--1237} } @Article{Seg98VV, Author = {Guus Segal and Kees Vuik and Fred Vermolen}, Title = {A conserving discretization for the free boundary in a two-dimensional {S}tefan problem }, Journal = {J. Comp. Phys.}, Volume = 141, Year = 1998, Pages = {1--21} } @Techreport{Fra98V, Author = {J. Frank and C. Vuik}, Title = {Parallel implementation of a multiblock method with approximate subdomain solution}, Institution = {Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology }, Year = 1998, Type = {Report}, Number = {98-11}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Bra97VW, Author = {E. Brakkee and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Domain decomposition for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations: solving subdomain problems accurately and inaccurately}, Booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Sciences and Engineering 8th International Conference, Bejing, P.R. China}, Editor = {R. Glowinski and J. P\'eriaux and Z-C. Shi and O. Widlund}, Note = {}, Pages = {443--451}, Publisher = {John Wiley}, Address = {Chichester}, Year = 1997} @Article{Bot97aDNPVWZ, Author = {E.F.F. Botta and K. Dekker and Y. Notay and A. van der Ploeg and C. Vuik and F.W. Wubs and P.M. de Zeeuw}, Title = {How fast the {L}aplace equation was solved in 1995}, Journal = {Appl. Num. Meth.}, Volume = 24, Year = 1997, Pages = {439--455} } @Techreport{Seg97VV, Author = {Guus Segal and Kees Vuik and Fred Vermolen}, Title = {A conserving discretization for the free boundary in a two-dimensional {S}tefan problem}, Institution = {Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1997, Type = {Report}, Number = {97-13}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Bot97DNPVWZ, Author = {E.F.F. Botta and K. Dekker and Y. Notay and A. van der Ploeg and C. Vuik and F.W. Wubs and P.M. de Zeeuw}, Title = {How fast the {L}aplace equation was solved in 1995}, Institution = {Department of Mathematics, University of Groningen }, Year = 1997, Type = {Report }, Number = {W-9701}, Address = {Groningen} } @Techreport{Hol97BHKSV, Author = {L. Holthuijsen and N. Booy and IJ. Haagsma and K. Kassels and G. Segal and K. Vuik}, Title = {Design of the Computational Pocedure in the {SWAN} Wave model to calculate the Wave Setup}, Institution = {Technical University Delft }, Year = 1997, Type = {Civil Engineering Report}, Number = {3-97}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Vee97VB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {Post-bifurcation behavior in soil plasticity: eigenvector perturbation compared to deflation}, Booktitle = {Computational Plasticity; fundamentals and applications, Part 2, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Spain, 17-20 March, 1997}, Editor = {D.R.J. Owen and E. {O\~{n}ate} and E. Hinton}, Note = {}, Pages = {1745--1751}, Publisher = {CIMNE}, Address = {Barcelona}, Year = 1997} @Inproceedings{Vee97BV, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and R. {de Borst} and K. Vuik}, Title = {Computation of post-bifurcation behavior in soil plasticity with eigenvector perturbation}, Booktitle = {Finite elements in engineering and science; Proceedings of the second international DIANA conference computational mechanics '97, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-6 June, 1997}, Editor = {M.A.N. Hendriks and H. Jongendijk and J.G. Rots and W.J.E. {van Spanje}}, Note = {}, Pages = {529--536}, Publisher = {Balkema}, Address = {Rotterdam}, Year = 1997} @Techreport{Vee97aVB, Author = {H. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {Branch switch procedures for soil based on eigenvector perturbations}, Institution = {Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1997, Type = {Report}, Number = {}, Address = {Delft} } @Inproceedings{Ver97VZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {A numerical analysis for the dissolution of second phase particles in ternary alloys}, Booktitle = {Moving Boundaries IV, computational modelling of free and moving boundary problems; Proceedings of the fourth international conference on moving boundaries, Gent, August 1997}, Editor = {R. van Keer and C.A. Brebbia}, Note = {}, Pages = {153--162}, Publisher = {Computational Mechanics Publications}, Address = {Southampton}, Year = 1997} @Inproceedings{Ver97aVZ, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik and S. van der Zwaag}, Title = {Modelling the microstructural changes during the homogenisation of extrudable {A}luminium alloys}, Booktitle = { Materials, Functionality and Design I; Metals and Composites; Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes and Applications, Maastricht, 21-23 April, 1997 }, Editor = {L.A.J.L. Sarton and H.B. Zeedijk}, Note = {}, Pages = {487--490}, Publisher = {Netherlands Society for Materials Science}, Address = {Zwijndrecht}, Year = 1997} @Techreport{Ver97V, Author = {F. Vermolen and K. Vuik}, Title = {A numerical method to compute the dissolution of second phases in ternary alloys}, Institution = {Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1997, Type = {Report}, Number = {97-53}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Vui96, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {Fast iterative solvers for the discretized incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations }, Journal = {Int. J. for Num. Meth. Fluids}, Volume = 22, Year = 1996, Pages = {195--210} } @Techreport{Tor96V, Author = {R. Torenbeek and K. Vuik}, Title = {The {A}rnoldi and {L}anczos methods for approximating the eigenpairs of a matrix}, Institution = {Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1996, Type = {Report}, Number = {96-44}, Address = {Delft} } @Techreport{Vee96VB, Author = {H.I. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik and R. {de Borst}}, Title = {An eigenvalue analysis of orthotropic and isotropic non-associated elasto-plasticity}, Institution = {Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology}, Year = 1996, Type = {Report}, Number = {}, Address = {Delft} } @Article{Vee95V, Author = {H.I. {van der Veen} and K. Vuik}, Title = {Bi-{L}anczos with partial orthogonalization }, Journal = {Computers and Structures}, Volume = 56, Year = 1995, Pages = {605--613} } @Article{Zen95VW, Author = {S. Zeng and C. Vuik and P. Wesseling}, Title = {Numerical solution of the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations by {K}rylov subspace and multigrid methods }, Journal = {Adv. Comp. Math.}, Volume = 4, Year = 1995, Pages = {27--49} } @Article{Vui95, Author = {C. Vuik}, Title = {New insights in {GMRES}-like methods with variable preconditioners }, Journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.}, Volume = 61, Year = 1995, Pages = {189--204} } @Article{vdV94V, Author = {H.A. van der Vorst and C. Vuik}, Title = { {GMRESR}: a family of nested {GMRES} methods}, Journal = {Num. Lin. Alg. Appl.}, Volume = 1, Year = 1994, Pages = {369--386} } @Article{vdV93V, Author = {H.A. van der Vorst and C. Vuik}, Title = { The superlinear convergence behaviour of {GMRES}}, Journal = {J. Comp. Appl. Math.}, Volume = 48, Year = 1993, Pages = {327--341} }