Kang, W., Wang, D., Jongbloed, G. and Chen, P. Robust transfer learning for battery lifetime prediction using early cycle data. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
Gili, F., Jongbloed, G. and Van der Vaart, A.W. Adaptive and efficient isotonic estimation in Wicksell's problem. To appear in Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.
Ciszewski, M.G., Söhl, J., Leenen, A.J.R., Van Trigt, B. and Jongbloed, G. (2025). Testing for no effect in regression problems: a permutation approach. Statistica Neerlandica 79.
Hunfeld, M., Verboom, M., Josemans, S., Van Ravensberg, A., Straver, D., Lückerath, F., Jongbloed, G., Buysse, C., and Van den Berg, R. Prediction of survival after pediatric cardiac arrest using quantitative EEG and machine learning techniques (2024). Neurology 103.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. Confidence intervals in monotone regression (2024). Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 51, p. 1749-1781.
Kang, W., Jongbloed, G., Tian, Y. and Chen, P. (2024). Degradation index-based prediction for remaining useful life using multivariate sensor data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 40, p. 3709-3728.
Jagt, T.F.W. van der, Jongbloed, G. and Vittorietti, M. (2024). Stereological determination of particle size distributions for similar convex bodies. Electronic Journal of Statistics 18, p. 741-774.
Jagt, T.F.W. van der, Jongbloed, G. and Vittorietti, M. (2023). Existence and approximation of densities of chord length- and cross section area distributions. Image Analysis & Stereology 42, p. 171-184.
Ciszewski, M.G., Söhl, J. and Jongbloed, G. (2023). Improving state estimation through projection post-processing for activity recognition with application to football. Statistical Methods & Applications 32, p. 1509-1538.
Velthoen, J.J., Cai, J.-J. and Jongbloed, G. (2023). Forward variable selection for random forest models. Journal of Applied Statistics 50, p.2836-2856.
Mészáros, L., Meulen, F.H. van der, Jongbloed, G. and El Serafy, G. (2022). Coastal environmental and atmospheric data reduction in the Southern North Sea supporting ecological impact studies. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:920616.
Vittorietti, M., Hidalgo, J., Sietsma, J., Li, W. and Jongbloed, G. (2022). Isotonic regression for metallic microstructure data: estimation and testing under order restrictions. Journal of Applied Statistics 49, p.2208-2227.
El Bouhaddani, S., Uh, H.W., Jongbloed, G. and Houwing-Duistermaat, J. (2022). Statistical Integration of Heterogeneous Omics Data: Probabilistic two-way partial least squares (PO2PLS). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series C, p.1-20.
Jongbloed, G., Van der Meulen, F.H. and Pang, L. (2022). Bayesian nonparametric estimation in the current status continuous mark model. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 49, p.1329-1352.
Vittorietti, M., Hidalgo, J., Galán López, J., Sietsma, J. and Jongbloed, G. (2022). A data-driven approach for studying the influence of carbides on work hardening of steel. Materials 15, 892.
Li, W., Vittorietti, M., Jongbloed, G. and Sietsma, J. (2021). Microstructure-property relation and machine learning prediction of hole expansion capacity of high strength steels. Journal of Materials Science 56, p.19228-19243
Mészáros, L., Meulen, F.H. van der, Jongbloed, G. and El Serafy, G. (2021). Climate change induced trends and uncertainties in phytoplankton spring bloom dynamics. Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
Mészáros, L., Meulen, F.H. van der, Jongbloed, G. and El Serafy, G. (2021). A Bayesian stochastic generator to complement existing climate change scenarios: Supporting uncertainty quantification in marine and coastal ecosystems. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35, p. 719-736.
Jongbloed, G., Van der Meulen, F.H. and Pang, L. (2021). Nonparametric Bayesian estimation of a concave distribution function with mixed interval censored data. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 35, p. 544-568.
Jongbloed, G., McGarrity, K.S. and Sietsma, J. (2021). Smooth estimation of size distributions in an oriented cylinder model. TEST 30, p. 505-526.
Jongbloed, G., Van der Meulen, F.H. and Pang, L. (2021). Bayesian estimation of a decreasing density. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 35, p. 392-420.
Van Dorp, I.N., Leegwater, A.J., Alberink, I. and Jongbloed, G. (2020). Value of evidence in the rare type match problem: common source versus specific source. Law, Probability & Risk 19, p. 85-98.
Vittorietti, M., Jongbloed, G., Kok. P.P.J., Li, W. and Sietsma, J. (2020). General framework for testing Poisson-Voronoi assumption for real microstructures. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 36, p. 604-627.
Li, W., Vittorietti, M., Jongbloed, G. and Sietsma, J. (2020). The combined influence of grain size distribution and dislocation density on hardness of interstitial free steel. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 45, p. 35-43.
Velthoen, J.J., Cai, J.-J., Schmeits, M. and Jongbloed, G. (2019). Improving precipitation forecast using extreme quantile regression. Extremes 22, p. 599-622
Vittorietti, M., Jongbloed, G., Kok. P.P.J. and Sietsma, J. (2019). Accurate representation of the distributions of the 3D Poisson-Voronoi typical cell geometrical features. Computational Materials Science 166, p. 111-118.
Kool, F.S., Van Dorp, I.N., Bolck, A., Leegwater, A.J. and Jongbloed, G. (2019). Estimating the mean in an unbalanced two-level likelihood ratio model under assumptions of normality. Forensic Science International 297, p. 243-249.
Roth, M., Jongbloed, G. and Buishand, T.A. (2019). Monotone trends in the distribution of climate extremes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 136, p. 1175-1184.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2018). Some developments in the theory of shape constrained statistical inference. Statistical Science 33, p. 473-492.
El Bouhaddani, S., Uh, H.W., Jongbloed, G., Hayward, C., Klaric, L., Kielbasa, S. and Houwing-Duistermaat, J. (2018). Integrating omics datasets with the OmicsPLS package. BMC Bioinformatics 19:371.
El Bouhaddani, S., Jongbloed, G., Houwing-Duistermaat, J., Uh, H.W. and Hayward, C. (2018). Probabilistic Partial Least Squares model: identifiability, estimation and application. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 167, p. 331-346.
Turşucu, S., Spandaw, J., Flipse, S., Jongbloed, G. and De Vries, M.J. (2018). Teachers’ beliefs systems about improving transfer of algebraic skills from mathematics into physics in senior pre-university education. International Journal of Science Education 40, p. 1493-1519.
Tijskens, L.M.M., Konopacki P.J., Jongbloed, G., Penchaiya, P. and Schouten, R.E. (2017). Assessing biological and technical variation in destructively measured data. Postharvest Biology and Technology 132, p. 31-42.
Roth, M., Jongbloed, G. and Buishand, T.A. (2016). Threshold selection for regional peaks-over-threshold data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43, p.1291-1309.
El Bouhaddani, S., Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J., Perola, M., Jongbloed, G. and Uh, H.-W. (2016). Evaluation of O2PLS in Omics data integration. BMC bioinformatics supplement BMTL 17, p.117-132
Roth, M., Buishand, T.A. and Jongbloed, G. (2015). Trends in moderate rainfall extremes: A regional monotone regression approach. Journal of Climate 28, p.8760–8769.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2015). Nonparametric confidence intervals for monotone functions. The Annals of Statistics 43, p.2019-2054.
Tijskens, P., Schouten, R.E., Konopacki, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2015). Basic principles of analysing biological and technical variation in non-destructive data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 111, p. 121-126.
McGarrity, K.S., Sietsma, J. and Jongbloed, G. (2014). Nonparametric inference in a stereological model with oriented cylinders applied to dual phase steel. The Annals of Applied Statistics 8, p. 2538–2566.
Roth, M., Buishand, T.A., Jongbloed, G., Klein Tank, A.M.G., Van Zanten, J.H. (2014). Projections of precipitation extremes based on a regional non-stationary peaks-over-threshold approach: A case study for The Netherlands and north-western Germany. Weather and Climate Extremes 24, p.1-10.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2013). Testing monotonicity of a hazard: asymptotic distribution theory. Bernoulli 19, p.1965-1999.
Schwarz, M., Jongbloed, G. and Van Keilegom, I. (2013). On the identifiability of copulas in bivariate competing risks models. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, p.292-303.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2013). Smooth and non-smooth estimates of a monotone hazard. In From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes, IMS Collections 9 174–196.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. and Michael, S. (2013). Consistency of maximum likelihood estimators in a large class of deconvolution models. Canadian Journal of Statistics 41, p. 98-110.
Roth, M., Buishand, T.A., Jongbloed, G., Klein Tank, H.M.G. and Van Zanten, J.H. (2012). A regional peaks-over-threshold model in a nonstationary climate. Water Resources Research 48.
McGarrity, K.S., Sietsma, J. and Jongbloed, G. (2012). Characterisation and Quantification of Microstructural Banding in Dual Phase Steels Part II: A case study extending to 3D. Materials Science and Technology 28, p. 903-910.
McGarrity, K.S., Sietsma, J. and Jongbloed, G. (2012). Characterisation and Quantification of Microstructural Banding in Dual Phase Steels Part I: A general 2D study. Materials Science and Technology 28, p. 895-902.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2012). Isotonic L2-projection test for local monotonicity of a hazard. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142, p.1644-1658.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Witte, B.I. (2012). Smooth plug-in inverse estimators in the current status continuous mark model. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 39, p. 15-33.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Witte, B.I. (2012). A maximum smoothed likelihood estimator in the current status continuous mark model. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 24, p. 85-101.
Burzala-Kowalczyk, L.M. and Jongbloed, G. (2011). Allometric scaling analysis of LD50 data. Risk Analysis 31, p.523-532.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Witte, B.I. (2010). Maximum smoothed likelihood estimation and smoothed maximum likelihood estimation in the current status model. The Annals of Statistics 38, p. 353-387.
Tijskens, L.M.M., Jongbloed, G. and Kessler, M. (2010). Stochastic analysis of destructively measured data. Acta Horticulturae 858, p.489-494.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2010). Generalized continuous isotonic regression. Statistics and Probability Letters 80, p. 248-253.
Schuengel, C., Sterkenburg, P.S., Jeczynski, P. Janssen, C.G.C. and Jongbloed, G. (2009). Supporting affect regulation in children with multiple disabilities during psychotherapy: multiple case design study of therapeutic attachment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77, p. 291-301.
Jongbloed, G. and Van der Meulen, F.H. (2009). Estimating a concave distribution function from data corrupted with additive noise. The Annals of Statistics 37, p. 782-815.
Jongbloed, G. (2009). Consistent likelihood-based estimation of a star-shaped distribution. Metrika 69, p. 265-282.
Donauer, S., Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2009). Global rate results for the MLE in a class of deconvolution models. Statistics and Probability Letters 79, p. 519-524.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2008). The support reduction algorithm for computing nonparametric function estimates in mixture models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 35, p.385-399.
Aarts, L.P., Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2007). Estimating the upper support point in deconvolution. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 34, p. 552-568.
Dümbgen, L., Freitag-Wolf, S. and Jongbloed, G. (2006). Estimating a unimodal distribution function from interval censored data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 101, p.1094-1106.
Jongbloed, G. and Van der Meulen, F.H. (2006). Parametric estimation for subordinators and induced OU-processes. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 33, p. 825-847.
Jongbloed, G., Van der Meulen, F.H. and Van der Vaart, A.W. (2005). Nonparametric inference for Lévy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Bernoulli 11, p.759-791.
Dümbgen, L., Freitag, S. and Jongbloed, G. (2004). Consistency of concave regression with an application to current status data. Mathematical Methods of Statistics 13, p.69-81.
Schouten, R.E., Van Kooten, O., Tijskens, L.M.M. and Jongbloed, G. (2004). Batch variability and cultivar keeping quality of cucumber. Postharvest Biology and Technology 32, p.299-310.
Jongbloed, G. and Verbaken, A.M.H. (2004). Modelling the process of incoming problem reports on released software products. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 20, p.131-142.
Mesina, C.T., Boellaard, R., Van den Heuvel, O.A., Veldman, D.J., Jongbloed, G., Van der Vaart, A.W. and Lammertsma, A.A. (2003). Effects of attenuation correction and reconstruction method on PET activation studies. NeuroImage, 20, p.898-908.
Schouten, R.E., Tijskens, L.M.M., Kooten, O. van, Jongbloed, G. (2003). Relation between cultivar and keeping quality for batches of cucumbers. Acta Horticulturae 599, p.451-459.
Mesina, C.T., Boellaard, R., Jongbloed, G., Van der Vaart, A.W. and Lammertsma, A.A. (2003). Experimental evaluation of iterative reconstruction versus filtered back projection for 3D [ 15O]water PET activation studies using statistical parametric mapping analysis. NeuroImage 19, p.1170-1179.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (2003). Density estimation in the uniform deconvolution model. Statistica Neerlandica 57 , p.136-157.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2001). A canonical process for estimation of convex functions: the "invelope" of integrated Brownian motion + t4. The Annals of Statistics 29, p.1620-1652.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2001). Estimation of a convex function: characterizations and asymptotic theory. The Annals of Statistics 29, p.1653-1698.
Jongbloed, G. and Koole, G.M. (2001). Managing uncertainty in call centers using Poisson mixtures. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 17, p. 307-318.
Jongbloed, G. (2001). Sieved maximum likelihood estimation in Wicksell's problem and related deconvolution problems. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 28, p. 161-183.
Jongbloed, G. (2000). Minimax lower bounds and moduli of continuity. Statistics and Probability Letters 50, p. 279-284.
Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (1999). Integrated Brownian motion, conditioned to be positive. The Annals of Probability 27, p. 1283-1303.
Jongbloed, G. (1998). The iterative convex minorant algorithm for nonparametric estimation. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 7, p. 310-321.
Es, A.J. van, Jongbloed, G. and Zuijlen, M.C.A. van (1998). Isotonic inverse estimators for nonparametric deconvolution. The Annals of Statistics 26, p. 2395-2406.
Jongbloed, G. (1998). Exponential deconvolution: two asymptotically equivalent estimators. Statistica Neerlandica 52, p. 6-17.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. (1995). Isotonic estimation and rates of convergence in Wicksell's problem. The Annals of Statistics 23, p. 1518-1542.
Books and Editorial
L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later. Special Issue Indagationes Mathematicae (2019). Edited jointly with Dirk van Dalen, Jan Willem Klop and Jan van Mill.
Nonparametric estimation under shape constraints, estimators, algorithms and asymptotics (2014). Part of Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Cambridge University Press. Jointly with Piet Groeneboom. ISBN: 978-0-52186-401-5
Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation (2012). Series Computational Imaging and Vision 41. Springer. Edited jointly with Luc Florack, Remco Duits, Marie-Colette van Lieshout and Laurie Davies. ISBN 978-1-4471-2352-1.
Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems (2007). IMS Lecture Notes, Monograph Series 55. Edited jointly with Eric Cator, Cor Kraaikamp, Rik Lopuhaä and Jon Wellner. ISBN 978-0-940600-71-3.
Three statistical inverse problems. Estimators, algorithms and asymptotics (1995). Ph.D. thesis Delft University of Technology. ISBN 90-9008596-3
Book chapter, proceedings, discussion
Statistical models for interval-censored time-to-event data. In Van Breugel K., Koleva D., Beek T. (eds) The Ageing of Materials and Structures. Springer, Cham (2018), p.237-244.
Statistics for shape and geometric features. With D. Anevski, C. Genovese and W. Polonik. Oberwolfach Reports 13 (2016) p.1821-1874.
Modelling a water purification process for quality monitoring. With A. di Bucchianico, F.H. van der Meulen, G. Overal, J. Dubbeldam and S. Luca. Proceedings of the Study Group Mathematics with Industry (2014).
Discussion of Nonparametric (smoothed) likelihood and integral equations by Piet Groeneboom, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 443, (2013), p. 2066-2067.
Beta random fractions of a size biased sample. In Proceedings Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains VII, S. Trihandaru, A.Ign. Kristijanto, Y. Martono, A. Setiawan, H.A. Parhusip, A. Sutresno, N.A. Wibowo, eds. (2012), p.1-9.
SADD: Stochastic Analysis of Destructively Measured Data. With L.M.M. Tijskens and M. Kessler. In III International Conference Postharvest Unlimited (2008), p.489-494.
Applying prior knowledge to model batch keeping-quality of cucumber batches. In Bayesian statistics and quality modelling in the agro-food production chain, M.A.J.S. van Boekel, A. Stein and A.H.C. van Bruggen, eds. (2003), p.71-80. With R.E. Schouten, L.M.M. Tijskens and O.van Kooten.
Relation between cultivar and keeping quality for batches of cucumbers. With R.E. Schouten, L.M.M. Tijskens and O. van Kooten. In International Conference: Postharvest Unlimited (2002), p.451-459.
Letter from the upcoming president (2025). STAtOR, 26 (1), p.24.
A conversation with Piet Groeneboom (2019). Statistical Science, 34 (1), p.156-168.
Preface L.E.J. Brouwer, fifty years later (2019). Indagationes Mathematicae, p.1-16. With Dirk van Dalen, Jan Willem Klop and Jan van Mill.
Gebundelde krachten. Van de voorzitter van het KWG. (2016). Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, serie 5, 17 (1), p.8-9.
Statistiek met vormrestricties. (2015). Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, serie 5, 16 (4), p.279-283. With Piet Groeneboom.
Handen uit de mouwen. Van de voorzitter van het KWG. (2015). Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, serie 5, 16 (1), p.11.
Geurproef niet meer in gebruik bij strafzaken. (2011). STAtOR, 12 (3-4), p.38-42. With Frank van der Meulen.
Is er sprake van slijtage? (2011). MaCHazine der W.I.S.V. Christiaan Huygens, 16 (1), p.38-39.
Een kegelprojectie in de statistiek. (2008). MaCHazine der W.I.S.V. Christiaan Huygens, 12 (4), p.24-25.
Statistiek in vorm (2008). Intreerede TU Delft.
Submitted papers
Zegers, M.A.J., Augustijn, E., Jongbloed, G. and Jourdin, L. Novel miniaturised microbial electrosynthesis reactor: a study on replicability.
Van der Jagt, T.F.W., Jongbloed G. and Vittorietti, M. Nonparametric inference for Poisson-Laguerre tessellations.
Strijk, G.J., Lu, J., Wilmink, J.W., Homs, M.Y.V., De Vos-Geelen, J., Sijde, F. van der, Dekker, E.N., Janssen, Q.P., Groot Koerkamp, B., Jongbloed, G. and Eijck, C.H.J. van Developing a predictive model for FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy response in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using conventional circulating biomarkers.
Groeneboom, P. and Jongbloed, G. Credible intervals and bootstrap confidence intervals in monotone regression.
Van der Jagt, T.F.W., Vittorietti, M., Sedighiani, K., Bos, C. and Jongbloed G. Estimation of 3D grain size distributions from 2D sections in real in simulated microstructures.
Gili, F., Jongbloed G. and Van der Vaart, A.W. Asymptotically efficient estimation under local constraint in Wicksell's problem.
Current research projects
DENS (Digitally Enhanced New Steel process development) With Jilt Sietsma (TU Delft, materials science department), Martina Vittorietti , Thomas van der Jagt, Karo Sedighiani and Kees Bos (TATA Steel). Funded by STW.
Preventing injury and improving performance in sports. With Larisa Gomaz, Michal Ciszewski, Frank van der Meulen, Jakob Söhl, Dirk-Jan Veeger and many others. Funded by STW, via the Perspectief Program Citius Altius Sanius.
Nonparametric Bayesian estimation in inverse problems. With Francesco Gili and Aad van der Vaart. Funded by Spinoza grant Van der Vaart.
Confidence sets in shape constrained regression. With Piet Groeneboom.
Statistical quantification of climate change induced uncertainty in future coastal ecosystem state and ecosystem services. With Lőrinc Mészáros, Ghada El Serafy (Deltares) and Frank van der Meulen. Funded by GREEN project, EU.
(Former) co-workers
Lucie Aarts (Stanislascollege Westplantsoen, Delft), Annabel Bolck (NFI) , Ronald Boellaard (VU Medical Center), Adri Buishand (KNMI), Lidia Burzala-Kowalczyk (TU Delft), Juan Juan Cai (VU University), Michal Ciszewski (TU Delft), Stefanie Michael-Donauer (Hannover), Inoni van Dorp (Belastingdienst), Lutz Dümbgen (Bern), Said El Bouhaddani (UMC Utrecht), Ghada El Serafy (Deltares, TU Delft) Bert van Es (UvA), Sandra Freitag-Wolf (Kiel), Piet Groeneboom (TU Delft), Francesco Gili (TU Delft), Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat (Nijmegen), Thomas van der Jagt (TU Delft), Wenda Kang (TU Delft) Albert Klein Tank (KNMI), Piet Kok (TATA Steel), Frederique Kool, Ger Koole (VU), Olaf van Kooten (Wageningen University), Jeanette Leegwater (NFI), Wei Li (TU Delft), Adriaan Lammertsma (VU Medical Center), Shixiang Li (TU Delft) Kimberly McGarrity (MathWorks), Lörinc Mészáros (Deltares) Catalina Mesina (Siemens), Frank van der Meulen (VU Amsterdam), Lixue Pang (TU Delft), Martin Roth (Bosch), Rob Schouten (Wageningen University & Research), Maik Schwarz (Bonn), Jilt Sietsma (Materials Science, TU Delft), Jakob Söhl (TU Delft), Pol Tijskens (Wageningen University & Research), Hae-Won Uh (UMC Utrecht), Ingrid Van Keilegom (KU Leuven), Aad van der Vaart (TU Delft), Jasper Velthoen (TU Delft), Tonny Verbaken, Martina Vittorietti (Palermo), Jon Wellner (University of Washington, Seattle), Birgit Witte (VU Medical Center), Harry van Zanten (VU University), Martien van Zuijlen (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Former PhD students
Via the Mathematics Genealogy page
Non-scientific publication
Van stekje tot boom. Honderd jaar scholen met de Bijbel in Lunteren, 2003. Samen met A.G.J. Buesink ( meer informatie per e-mail )