Dynamic positioning simulator

Jalitha Wills

Site of the project:
Weena 206
3012 NJ Rotterdam

start of the project: March 2007

In June 2007 the Interim Thesis has been appeared and a presentation has been given. The Master project has been finished in November 2007 by the completion of the Masters Thesis and a final presentation has been given. For working address etc. we refer to our alumnipage.

Summary of the master project:
In the first generation of games the appearance and the contents of the games were very simple. In for instance Pacman: a hungry symbol moves along a grid and the challenge was to move your cursor away from this symbol. In the current games, advanced 3D visualitions are used and the plot resembles reality. For the next generation of games the rate of reality should be increased further. However, the game industry again encounters the bounds of the computer power. To move beyond these bounds they challenge the scientific computing community.

Ship simulation

In this game the ship movements should be very realistic, with respect to waves, currents and various propulsion mechanisms. Scientific computing has a lot of experience in the simulation of a real ship with high accuracy, which is necessary in order to predict the drag accurately. For such a simulation it is necessary that the computer time is less than one hour. To include a ship simulation algorithm in a game, the computer time should be less than one milli-second, however the accuracy can be much less. So the challenge is to simplify the models and accelerate the methods in such a way that the small computer time is attained.

The Ship Simulator game

In the world of games, a number of Dutch companies are active, such as VSTEP, which are very successfull. Since the TU Delft has a tradition in simulating ships, aircraft and water flows, the game companies like to have TU Delft students join their teams in order to develop the next generation of games.

It appears that these programs are also used for serious simulations for the training of ship personnel, navy and firemans.

Sailing with a real ship requires a lot of training

Contact information: Kees Vuik

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