Lecture 3 of 'Scientific Computing' (wi4201)
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- The following subjects are discussed:
- Finite difference method for 1D Laplace problem
- Properties of the matrix
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix
- Positive definite matrix
- Comparison of eigenvalues of the continuous operator and the
discretized operator
- Finite difference method for 2D Laplace problem
- Boundary conditions
- Lexicographic and red black ordering
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the 2D matrix
- Proofs of properties of matrix A
- M-matrix
- Material is described in pages 7, and 28 - 40 of the lecture notes.
Recommended exercises: 2.12.11, 2.12.12, 3.12.11 - 3.12.17
- Typo's
In Definition 2.9.1 the following text should be added:
The matrix A is a Z-matrix if a_i,j \lte 0 for all i,j such that i \no j.
Furthermore in the definition of M-matrix it should be added that A is a Z-matrix.
- Exercise 2.12.11 replace the final sentence of part 1 with:
Show that if a symmetric matrix A is positive definite then all its leading principal minors are positive.
- Exercise 2.12.16 The question is: Determine the sparsity structure of the discretization matrix for the five-point stencil if the grid points are ordered in
alternating lines

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