Lecture 4 of 'Scientific Computing' (wi4201)
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- The following subjects are discussed:
- Solution of large linear systems
- Condition such that the system has a unique solution
- Do not compute the inverse of matrix A
- Method of choice for direct solver is an LU decomposition
- Floating point numbers, rounding errors,
disasters caused by numerical errors
- Machine precision, cancellation
- Floating point calculation of an inner product
- Matrix and vector norms
- Absolute and relative error
- Multiplicative matrix norm, associated matrix norm
- Various matrix norms
- Rounding errors in linear systems
- Material is described in pages 8 - 11, and 41 - 43 of the lecture notes.
Recommended exercises: 2.12.1 - 2.12.10, 2.12.13, 2.12.14, 2.12.17,

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