Lecture 5 of 'Scientific Computing' (wi4201)
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- The following subjects are discussed:
- Condition of a matrix, perturbation of right-hand side
- perturbation of matrix and a combination with right-hand side perturbation
- Definition of lower and upper triangular matrix L and U
- How to compute L and U for a simple example
- Solve LU u = f
- Lower and upper triangular solve
- General definition of the LU decomposition
- Gauss transformation, Gauss vector
- Inverse of a Gauss transformation, link Gauss transformations with
- Products of Gauss transformations
- Memory and storage for L and U
- Number of floating point operations for LU decomposition
- Rounding error analysis of the LU decomposition
- Material is described in pages 43 - 52 of the lecture notes.
Recommended exercises: 4.13.1 - 4.13.4
- Typo's
- Page 45: third line of section 4.3.3, "with a diagonal matrix" should be
"with the inverse of a diagonal matrix"

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