Career History
03/2021 − present: Associate professor at
the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands.
09/2013 − 02/2021: Assistant professor at
the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands.
11/2012 − 08/2013: Interim W2-professorship
“Numerical continuum mechanics” at
the Chair III: Applied Mathematics and Numerics,
Dortmund University of Technology, Germany.
08/2009 − 11/2012: PostDoc researcher
(akademischer Rat a.Z.) at this chair.
08/2003 − 07/2009: Scientific researcher
at this chair DFG projects KU 1530/1-1, /1-2, /3-1, /3-2,
Project coordinator: JProf. Dr. Dmitri Kuzmin.
02/2001 − 07/2003: Undergraduate research
assistant at this chair.
08/2003 − 12/2008: PhD in Mathematics,
Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, 2008.
10/1999 − 07/2003: Diploma in Mathematics,
Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, 2003.
Quantum lattice Boltzmann methods :
Fluid Dynamics Building
Blocks : FDBB.
Finite Element Analysis
Tool: Featflow. Main
of Featflow2
Geometry + Simulation modules: G+Smo.
Physics-informed machine learning embedded into
analysis: IgANets.
Quantum Expression Template Library
: LibKet.
Unified Expression Template Library Interface
02/2010 Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, TX, USA
10/2009 Department of Mathematics, University of Houston, TX, USA
- Member of AVT-IST-ET-245: Quantum-aided Design for
Military Applications
Member of the winning QAIMS lab team in
the Airbus-BMW
Group Quantum Computing Challenge 2024 in "The Golden
Application Challenge"
Co-author of the paper entitled 'Yet another structured
mesh generator for screw' that received the Best Paper
Award at the International Conference on Screw
Machines (ICSM) 2024, Dortmund, Germany, 03-05 September
Co-author of the paper entitled 'On an improved PDE-based
parametrization method for IsoGeometric Analysis using
preconditioned Anderson acceleration' that received
the Best Paper Award at the 15th
International Conference on Geometric Modeling and
Processing (GMP 2023), Genoa, Italy, 03-07 June 2023.
Co-author of the paper entitled 'Learning based
hardware-centric quantum circuit generation' that received
the Best Paper Award at the 22nd International
Conference on Innovation for Community Services (I4CS
2022), Delft, The Netherlands, 13-15 June 2022.
Co-author of the paper entitled 'Elliptic Grid Generation
Techniques in the Framework of Isogeometric Analysis
Applications' that received the Best Paper Award
(2nd Prize) at the 12th International Conference on
Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2018), Aachen,
Germany, 09-11 April 2018.
Presenter of the poster entitled 'Isogeometric Analysis
for Industrial Applications' that was awarded the Best
Poster Award (2nd Prize) at the 2nd International
Conference on Simulation Technology, Stuttgart, Germany,
26-28 March 2018.
Recipient of the Best Disseration Award
in 2009, Faculty of Mathematics, Dortmund University of
Technology, Germany.
Recipient of the Rudolf Chaudoire Award
in 2009, Dortmund University of Technology, Germany.
Winner of the Bill Morton Prize awarded
during the 9th ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for
Fluid Dynamics, University of Reading, England, March
26-29, 2007.
Professional activities
Member of the editorial board
of Mathematics
and Computers in Simulation.
Technical program committee member of the 28th Design,
Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2025.
Guest editor for the special
issue Advances
in Quantum Computing and Applications.
Guest editor for the special
issue Application
Opportunities of Quantum Computing.
Scientific committee member of the 13th International
Conference on Compressors and their Systems, City
University of London, 2023.
Program committee member of Computing Frontiers 2022.
Scientific committee member of the 12th International
Conference on Compressors and their Systems, City
University of London, 2021.
Program committee member of Computing Frontiers 2021.
Local organising committee member of the 12th European
Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced
Applications (ENUMATH2019).
Main organizer of the 3rd Conference on Isogeometric
Analysis and Applications (IGAA 2018)
Scientific committee member of the 3rd FEMTEC Conference
on Com- putational Methods in Engineering and Sciences.
Program committee member of the Workshop High-resolution
schemes for convection-dominated flows: 30 years of FCT.
Reviewer for
ACM Computing Frontiers,
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems,
Applied Mathematics and Computation,
BIT Numerical Mathematics,
Communications in Computational Physics,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
Computers & Fluids,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Journal of Computational Physics,
Journal of Computational Sciences,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Journal of Neural Computing and Applications,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,
Mathematical Reviews,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
PeerJ Computer Science,
Scientific Research and Essays,
Technical Sciences